
Ansie Lombaard
On the human side... of illness and research

This qualitative study comprised an in-depth investigation into the subjective – the explicitly human – experience of those suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). I was, firstly, concerned with the nature and meaning of the social side of illness, that is, the sufferer’s encounters with doctor, family member, friend and acquaintance alike. I was, secondly, set to develop greater insight into the essentially personal experience of being ill. I was able to conclude that, even amidst the inhumane presence of utter ignorance that permeate the very experience of ME, no ME sufferer is inevitably doomed a victim. They can always make a deliberate decision to have a say in their situation, in their own experience of their circumstances. They have the power of personal choice. Recommendations are, therefore, directed at expanding the potential extent and magnitude of this dynamic power.

The substantive focus of my study was enriched by a deliberate concern with the methodological implications of my own intimate involvement within the research process. I was here primarily concerned with my personal contribution to the research process as well as the influence thereof on the research relationships developed and the research strategies chosen and applied. I could not but conclude that the understanding I explicate is, as all social science theory, essentially a human construction, developed by me, in my distinctly human capacity. Recommendations are, therefore, geared to sensitise all social researchers to their own contribution to the construction of that which is eventually presented (and taken) as truthful knowledge.

In conclusion, I am thoroughly convinced that the experience of both illness and research is fundamentally human. This “humanness” cannot and should not be denied. Instead, I advocate a more deliberate focus on the human dimension of illness and research. Without such a focus, a more comprehensive understanding of either realm will continue to linger as but an elusive ideal.

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