
Bernardo Maralack
Public understanding of science: (A case study of a coloured community)

While the importance of science and technology for society has long been recognised, it has taken on ever increasing importance in the present century. As a result this study, government (The year of Science and Technology – 1998), and other initiatives by concerned bodies efforts are directed to better inform the public about the nature and role of science and technology. It aimed to make citizens both better informed and better able to adapt to the many changes that science and technology have brought, and will continue to bring, to their lives.

Despite these efforts many citizens remain ill informed about the scientific advances, and how technology affects their lives. As a result, most members of the public are unable to form substantiated judgements about matters involving science and technology. It is essential that ways are find to improve the public understands of science and technology.

This study discusses the results of an empirical survey which was conducted in a coloured community in Paarl. The thesis summarises the results of the survey on these issues. It presents data on the public’s understanding of science and technology and lists efforts that have been made to improve the understanding of science and technology. The study describes efforts to make information on science and technology more readily available to the public. Finally, it proposed measures that various actors might usefully take to improve public understanding of science and technology.

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