Welcome to the Department of Conservation Ecology & Entomology

:: Announcement ::

As of 1 March 2006 the new Department of Conservation Ecology & Entomology (ConsEnt) came into being as a merger of the respective departments of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.  The new department will embrace full interaction and integration, while maintaining the identity of the two fields.
Our Vision

To be a world centre of excellence for teaching, research and technology transfer in the field of conservation of natural resources.

Our Mission

To undertake teaching, research and technology transfer in ecology, conservation and management of utilized landscapes and their surrounds.



Research in the two fields of Conservation Ecology and Entomology will maintain their original focus, but will be strengthened by the interaction between the disciplines . The department is in a dynamic new phase of growth that is encouraging students through its active research interests.

Currently, Entomological research in the Department is exploring ways of conserving biodiversity, while also engaging in novel methods of insect pest management. There is an atmosphere of positiveness in this era when it is essential to preserve biodiversity yet at the same time produce crops in an environmentally friendly way.







Centre for Agricultural Biodiversity

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University of Stellenbosch Stellenbosch University