Dr Shelley Johnson
List of Scientific publications |
JOHNSON , S.A. , VAN TETS, I.G. & NICOLSON, S.W. (1999) Sugar preferences and xylose absorption efficiency of the Namaqua rock mouse, Aethomys namaquensis . Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 72(4): 438-444 |
JOHNSON , S.A. & NICOLSON, S.W. (2001) Pollen digestion in flower-feeding scarabaeidae: protea beetles (Cetoniini) and monkey beetles (Hopliini). Journal of Insect Physiology 47(7): 725-733 |
JOHNSON , S.A. , NICOLSON, S.W. & JACKSON, S. (2004) The effect of different oral antibiotics on the gastrointestinal microflora of a wild rodent ( Aethomys namaquensis ). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 138: 475-483 |
JOHNSON , S.A. , NICOLSON, S.W. & JACKSON, S. (2006) Nectar xylose metabolism in a rodent pollinator ( Aethomys namaquensis ): defining the role of gastrointestinal microflora using 14 C-labelled xylose. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79(1): 159-168 |
JOHNSON, S.A. , JACKSON, S., ABRATT, V.A., WOLFAARDT, G.M., CORDERO-OTERO, R. & NICOLSON, S.W. (2006) Xylose utilization and short chain fatty acid production by selected components of the intestinal microflora of a rodent pollinator ( Aethomys namaquensis ). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176(7): 631-641 |

Congress contributions |
JOHNSON , S.A. & NICOLSON, S.W. Pollen digestion in flower-feeding scarabaeidae: Protea beetles (Cetoniini) and monkey beetles (Hopliini). (Poster presentation). Conference of the Zoological Society of Southern Africa . Pietersburg , South Africa , 1999. |
JOHNSON , S.A. , ABRATT, V.R., NICOLSON, S.W. & JACKSON, S. Nectar xylose in the diet of a rodent pollinator: the role of intestinal bacteria. (Oral presentation). Conference of the Zoological Society of Southern Africa . Port Elizabeth , South Africa , 2001. |
JOHNSON , S.A. , NICOLSON, S.W. & JACKSON, S. The site of xylose metabolism in the Namaqua rock mouse: mammalian tissue or microbial cell. (Oral presentation). Joint conference of the Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists and the Zoological Society of Southern Africa. Cape Town , South Africa , 2003. |
JOHNSON , S.A. , NICOLSON, S.W. & JACKSON, S. Nectar xylose metabolism in a rodent pollinator, Aethomys namaquensis : defining the role of gastrointestinal microflora using 14 C-labelled xylose. (Oral presentation). Annual conference of the Society for Experimental Biology. Barcelona , Spain , 2005. |