37) Visualising
and quantifying thermal degradation of wood by Computed
Tomography, European Journal of Wood
and Wood Products, 2013, available online.
36) Powering Africa, M. Meincken, South African
Journal of Science, 108,
2012, 3-4.
35) Time/Temperature Combustion Profiles of Various
Wood-Based Biofuels, H.C.
Smit, M. Meincken, Biomass & Bioenergy, 39, 2012, 317-323.
Using extractive-free wood as a reinforcement in wood-LLDPE
composite systems, A Shebani, AJ van Reenen, M Meincken, Journal of
Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 31,
33) The technical pre-feasibility to use
briquettes made from wood and agricultural waste for
gasification in a downdraft gasifier for electricity
generation, P Malatji, NS Mamphweli, M Meincken, Journal of
Energy in Southern Africa, 22(4), 2011,
32) Use of Atomic Force Microscopy to Detect
Wavelength Dependent Photodegradation of Wood Veneers and
Spin-Coated Lignin and Cellulose Films, M Meincken, PD Evans,
International Wood
Products Journal, 1 (2), 2011, 75-80.
31) Surface
characteristics of coated soft- and hardwoods due to
UV-B ageing, E. Ncube and M. Meincken, Applied Surface Science,
256, 2010, 7504-7509.
30) Determination of the Cellulose and Lignin Content
on Wood Fibre Surfaces of
Eucalypts as a Function of Genotype and Site,
A.Klash, E. Ncube, B. du Toit,
M. Meincken, European Journal of Forest
Research, 129, 2010,
29) Physical Properties of Burnt Timber, with Special
Focus on the Drying Performance,
N.H. Smit, D. Steinmann, European Journal of Wood and Wood
68(4), 2010, 455-461.
28) Atomic Force Microscopy on the Effect of
Bacteriocins on Target Cells: a new Method for Visualising its
Mode of Action, M. Meincken, S. Todorov , Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2009, Vol. 7(2), pp 28-32.ISSN:
27) The Effect of Wood Species on the Mechanical
and Thermal Properties of Wood-LLDPE Composites A. N. Shebani, A. J. Van Reenen, M. Meincken, Journal of
Composite Materials, 43, 2009, 1305-1318.
26) Localization and Attempted Quantification of
Various Functional Groups on Pulp Fibres, A. Klash, E. Ncube, M. Meincken, Applied Surface
Science, 255, 2009, 6318–6324.
Nanoscale characterization of wood photodegradation using
atomic force microscopy, M. Meincken and
P.D. Evans, European
Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 67, 2009,
24) An Evaluation of South African Fuelwood with
Regards to Calorific Value and Environmental Impact, F.
Munalula, M. Meincken, Biomass &
Bioenergy, 33, 2009,
23) The Effect of Wood Extractives on the Thermal
Stability of different Wood-LLDPE composites A.N. Shebani, A. J. van Reenen, M. Meincken, Thermochimica Acta,
481, 2008, 52–56.
22) Determination of the
Surface Polarity of Wood Fibres after Different Pre-Treatments
and Bisulphite Pulping, M. Meincken, N.C. Matyumza, South African Journal of
Science, 104, 2008, 453-456.
21) The
Effect of Wood Extractives on the Thermal Stability of
Different Wood Species, A.N. Shebani, A.J. van Reenen, M. Meincken, Thermochimica Acta,
471, 2008, 43-50.
20) Nanoplough–constrictions on thin YBCO films made
with Atomic Force Microscopy, A Elkaseh, U
Büttner, M Meincken, G Hardie, V Srinivasu, W Perold, Journal of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 7(9), 2007,
19) Atomic
force microscopy used to determine the surface roughness and
surface polarity of cell types of hardwoods commonly used for
pulping, M Meincken, South African
Journal of Science, 103 (1/2), 2007,
18) Factors affecting the
adsorption of Lactobacillus plantarum
bacteriocin bacST8KF to Enterococcus faecalis
and Listeria innocua,
SD Todorov, JE Powel, M Meincken, RC Witthun, LMT Dicks,
Journal of Dairy Technology, 60(3), 2007,
Partial characterization of bacteriocin AMA-K, produced by Lactobacillus
plantarum AMA-K isolated from naturally fermented milk in
Zimbabwe, SD Todorov,
H Nyati, M Meincken, LMT Dicks, Food Control,18(6), 2007, 656-669.
Factors affecting the adsorption of bacteriocins ST194BZ and
ST23LD to Latobacillus
sakei and Enterococcus sp., SD
Todorov, M Meincken, LMT Dicks, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology,
52(3), 2006, 159-167.
15) Influence of the
Viscosity and the Substrate on the Surface Hydrophobicity of
Polyurethane Coatings, M. Meincken, A. Klash, S. Seboa and
R.D. Sanderson, Applied Surface
Science, 253, 2006, 805-809.
14) Characterization of bacteriocin HV219, produced by
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
HV219 isolated from human vaginal secretions,
SD Todorov, ST Danova, M Meincken, G Dinkova, IV
Ivanova, LMT Dicks, Journal of Basic Microbiology,
46(3), 2006, 226-238.
13) Polysulphone UF
membrane hydrophilisation - molecular rearrangement of
hydrophilic segments controlled by phase inversion process, S
Roux, M Meincken, A van Reenen, EP Jacobs, Journal of Membrane Science, 276, 2006,
12) An AFM Study of the Membranolytic Effect of
Antimicrobial Peptides on Escherichia coli, M Meincken, DL
Holroyd, RD Sanderson, M Rautenbach, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49(10),
2005, 4085-4092.
11) A New Approach to Quantify the Hydrophilic
Character of Membranes by Pulsed Force Mode Atomic Force
Microscopy, M Meincken, S Roux, EP Jacobs, Applied Surface Science, 252, 2005,
10) An antimicrobial and
antiviral peptide produced by Entrococcus mundti ST4V isolated
from soy beans, S. Todorov, M. Wachsman, H. Knoetze, M.
Meincken, L. Dicks, Int. Journal of
Antimicrobial Agents, 25, 2005,
9) Tracking the
Hydrophobicity Recovery of PDMS compounds using the Adhesive
Force Determined by AFM Force Distance Measurements, M
Meincken, TA Berhane, PE Mallon, Polymer, 46(1),
2005, 203-208.
8) Analysis of
Gamma and Neutron induced Chromosomal Aberrations in CHO-K1
cells using the Atomic Force Microscope, M Meincken, BS Smit,
RD Sanderson, JP Slabbert, South African Journal of
Science, 100 (9/10), 2004, 431-434.
7) Advantages of
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Polymer Science, M Meincken, RD
Sanderson, South African Journal of Science, 100 (5/6),
2004, 256-260.
6) Measurement
of Thermal Parameters and Mechanical Properties of Polymers by
Atomic Force Microscopy, M Meincken, LJ Balk, RD Sanderson,
Surface and Interface Analysis, 35, 2003,
Film-formation and thermal transitions of polymers studied by
atomic force microscopy, PhD thesis, 2002, University of Stellenbosch, South
4) Determination of the Influence
of the Polymer Structure and Particle Size on the Film
Formation Process of Polymers by Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM), M Meincken, RD Sanderson, Polymer, 43, 2002,
3) Thermal
Transitions of Polymers Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM), M Meincken, S Graef, K Mueller-Nedebock, RD Sanderson,
Journal for Applied Physics A, 74, 2002,
2) Improved
Sensitivity in the Thermal Investigation of Polymeric
Nanophases by Measuring the Resonance Frequency Shift using an
Atomic Force Microscope, M Meincken, LJ Balk, RD Sanderson,
Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 27, 2001,
1) Magnetic properties
of periodically ordered nano-particles of nickel, Diplomarbeit
(MSc thesis) 1998, Universitaet
“A braai wood index”, M.
Meincken, Quest, 5, 2009,
Biomass to Energy – A South African Perspective”, M. Meincken.
Modern Energy Review, Touch Briefings, September
“Tips and facts for braaing”,
Caravan and Outdoor life, Sept.
biomass to energy”, Quest 7(4), 2011,
“Where do we need
wood”, Quest 7(4), 2011,
Peer-reviewed Conference
P. Malatji, M. Meincken,
“Processing of wood an agricultural waste for gasification”,
South African Chemical Engineering Conference 2009, September
20-23, Somerset West, p.
M. Meincken, T. Rypstra, “The
effect of weathering on the surface texture of wood”, proceedings MSSA
conference, Port
Elizabeth, 2006, p.25.
M Meincken, SP
Roux, “Surface analysis of ultrafiltration membranes using
AFM”, proceedings MSSA
conference, Pietermaritzburg, 2005, p.13.
A Abdullah, A Gericke,
M Meincken, “The effect of different dyeing colours on wool
fibers studied by AFM”, proceedings MSSA
conference, Pietermaritzburg, 2005, p.28.
P. Malatji, M. Meincken,
“Processing of wood and agricultural waste for gasification”,
South African Chemical Engineering Congress SACEC 2009, 20-23
September, Somerset West, SA.
H. Smit, D. Steinmann, M. Meincken, “Drying performance of bunt timber”, SALDEA
convention, October 16-17, Johannesburg
, South Africa
, 2008.
A. Klash, R.D. Sanderson, M.
Meincken, “Localisation and quantification of functional
groups on pulp fibres”, UNESCO / IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules &
Materials, 8 - 11 September 2008, Kruger National Park, South
L. Dobrzanska, M.
Meincken, L.J. Barbour , “A
single-crystal-to-single-crystal apical ligand exchange
process in a 2D coordination network”, IUCr2008,
11th Congress of the International Union of
Crystallography, Japan, Osaka, 23-31 August 2008
Invited Speaker: 6th international symposium on contact
angle, wettability and adhesion, July 14-16, University of Maine, Orono,
USA (could not
H Smit, D. Steinman, M
Meincken,” Drying of burnt timber”, ICFR Forest Science
research symposium, Pietermaritzburg, June 25-26, 2008.
J.W. von
Mollendorff, M. Meincken, M. Vaz-Velho, S.D. Todorov,
differences observed between bacteriocin-treated and untreated
bacterial cells”. 10th Jubilee International Slavic-Baltic
Scientific Conference, St.
speaker at
workshop on soft condensed matter and physics of biological
systems”, STIAS, Stellenbosch, February 4-6,
M. Meincken, Localisation and
quantification of polar groups on pulp fibres, 14th International Symposium on Wood Fibre and
Pulping Chemistry (ISWFPC), Durban, June 25-27, 2007.
A. Klash, M. Meincken,
Identification and quantification of chemical components on
pulp fibers, 14th ISWFPC, Durban, June 2007.
A. Elkaseh, U.
Büttner, M. Meincken, G. Hardie, V. Srinivasu, W. Perold.
Nanoplough constrictions on thin YBCO films using AFM
nanolithography, NanoAfrica, UCT, Cape Town, November 2006.
SP Roux, EP Jacobs, AJ van
Reenen, C Morkel and M Meincken, “Hydrophilisation of
capillary ultrafiltration membranes with the use of a branched
poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polysulphone copolymer”,
6th Water
Institute of South Africa, Membrane Technology Division
(WISA MTD) conference, Wilderness, March 13-15, 2005.
A Klash, A van
Reenen, M Meincken, “Different crystallisation forms of
polypropylene studied by AFM”, IUPAC "New Direction in Chemistry"
Workshop on Advanced Materials (WAM III), September 5-8, 2005.
P.E. Mallon and
M Meincken,
Surface Characterization of
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Compounds. 3rd
International Conference on Materials for Advanced
Technologies (ICMAT 2005), Singapore, July
3-8, 2005. Invited
TA Berhane, M
Meincken, PE Mallon, “Surface hardness and change of
hydrophobicity of corona treated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
compounds by AFM”, 7th Annual UNESCO conference,
Stellenbosch, April 5-8, 2004.
M Meincken, DL Holroyd,
RD Sanderson, M Rautenbach. “An AFM study of the
membranolytic effect of antimicrobial peptides on Escerichia
coli”, invited speaker at the 7th annual UNESCO
conference, Stellenbosch, April 5– 8, 2004.
M Meincken, DL Holroyd,
RD Sanderson, M Rautenbach. “An AFM study of the
membranolytic effect of antimicrobial peptides on Escerichia
coli”, Beijing-Teda /
at “SPM
2004”, May 23 – 26, 2004
E de Goede, M
Meincken, RD Sanderson, “Combined AFM Thermal Analysis of
Individual Polymer Phases after HPLC Separation and
Identification via LC-FTIR”, MACRO World Polymer Congress,
Paris/France, July 4-9, 2004.
M Meincken, RD
Sanderson, “Measurement of thermal parameters and mechanical
properties of polymers by atomic force microscopy”,
Urbana /
at “Surface
Analysis 2003”, June 3-6, 2003.
M. Meincken. The film
formation process of different structured polymers studied by
Atomic Force Microscope“, proceedings ICEM 15,
Durban, September
1-6, 2002.
M Meincken, RD
Sanderson, “Measurements of thermal parameters and mechanical
properties of polymers by modified atomic force microscopy”,
2nd International Conference on Scanning Probe
Microscopy of Polymers, Weingarten/Germany, July 21-25, 2001.
M Meincken, RD
Sanderson, “Measurements of thermal parameters and mechanical
properties of polymers by modified atomic force
at the “UNESCO Conference” on Polymer Science, Stellenbosch,
April 7-11, 2001.