Current students (Main supervisor)
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Dean da Costa
The interaction between site, harvest residue management and plant stock quality on Eucalyptus transplant survival, growth and uniformity.
GP Scheepers |
Fertilization of Pinus elliottii and its effect on soil chemistry, foliar nutrition and stand development for a range of edaphic, geographic and climatic growing conditions in the Greater Tsitsikamma, South Africa.
Sylvanus Mensah |
A Quantitative Framework to Assess Ecosystem Services Provided by Trees and Forests
Alfred Kundhlande |
Carbon dynamics and nutritional sustainability of South Africa’s pine plantation soils: A case of Mpumalanga escarpment forests
Phillip Fischer |
Individual tree growth response to competition within clonal Eucalyptus hybrid plantings on the Zululand coastal plains of South Africa
Hannel Ham |
Development of a protocol for the successful hybridisation of Pinus radiata with other Pinus species
Werner Mbongo |
Effects of thinning intensities on the growth regeneration of Burkea africana and Pterocarpus angolensis in the Zambezian-Baikiaea woodlands.
Paul Mwansa |
An Investigation into the effect of Rainfall gradient and Fire disturbance on Natural Regeneration and stand characteristics of selected tree species in the Zambian Phytoregion
Philip van Niekerk |
Modelling biomass and carbon sequestration in clonal plantations of Eucalyptus grandis x nitens hybrids.
Martin Kambayi |
Estimating carbon sequestered in an undisturbed Cryptosepalum forest in Mwinilunga District of North - western Province, Zambia
Hugo Lambrechts |
A study of the potential for Eucalyptus hybrids in farm forestry in the semi-arid winter rainfall region of South Africa
Francis Zhangazha
Postgraduate diploma in Forestry |
Current students (Co-supervisor)
Sylvanus Mensah |
A Quantitative Framework to Assess Ecosystem Services Provided by Trees and Forests
Phillip Fischer |
Individual tree growth response to competition within clonal Eucalyptus hybrid plantings on the Zululand coastal plains of South Africa
Philip van Niekerk |
Modelling biomass and carbon sequestration in clonal plantations of Eucalyptus grandis c nitens hybrids.
Philip Muyambo |
Aboveground biomass model for Pinus elliottii in South Africa
Past students
Christof Gresse |
MSc (2016)
The impact of repeated prescribed burning in semi-mature pine plantation forests of Mpumalanga on fuel loads, nutrient pools and stand productivity. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 194 pp.
Filemon Kayofa |
MSc (2015)
Natural Regeneration Potential of Pterocarpus angolensis (Kiaat Tree) in the dry forests of Northern Namibia. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 162pp.
Kayla Noeth |
Post-graduate Diploma in Forestry (2014) |
GP Scheepers |
MSc (2014)
The effect of wood ash on the soil properties, nutrition and growth of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla grown on a sandy coastal soil in Zululand. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 143pp.
Ralston Hans |
MSc (2014)
Initial growth responses to controlled release fertilizer application at establishment of commercial forestry species in South Africa. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 158pp.
Steven Dovey |
PhD (2012)
Effects of Clear Felling and Residue Management on Nutrient Pools, Productivity and Sustainability in a Clonal Eucalypt Stand in South Africa. PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University, 218pp.
Vavariro Chikumbu
MSc (2011)
Growth responses to fertiliser application of thinned mid-rotation Pinus radiata stands across a soil water availability gradient in the Boland area of the Western Cape. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 100pp.
Phillip Fischer |
MSc (2011)
δ13C as indicator of soil water availability and drought stress in Pinus radiata stands in South Africa. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 101pp.
Ilse Botman |
MSc (2010)
Production of Eucalypt woodlots for bio-energy in the Winelands region of the Western Cape. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 96pp.
JJ Badenhorst |
MSc (2010)
The effect of fertilising Pinus radiata stands at mid rotation age in the Western Cape province on leaf area, growth efficiency and stand productivity. MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 62pp.
Louisa Burger |
Hons (2010)
Estimating PAI from remote sensed imagery on Pinus radiata in the Western Cape. HonsBScFor. Research report, University of Stellenbosch., 28pp.