Java graphing applet Help The Java Graphing Applet is highly interactive!

If there is a slider:
slider Click on the left-right arrows for small changes in the variable or parameter.
slider Click on the middle area for larger changes, or click and hold for continuous change.
slider Click and drag the slider for continuous change.
slider Note: You can also type in the value of the variable!

If mouse action is activated:
mouse A left-click zooms in around the point
mouse Shift plus a left-click zooms out around the point
mouse Left-click and drag a rectangle to enlarge the rectangle
mouse A right-click-and-drag "pans" (i.e. drags) the window.

If the applet displays buttons:
  • Change the domain and range ("limits") in the input boxes (type in new values and press ENTER or click Set Limits).
  • Click the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to enlarge/reduce the graph around the centre.
  • Enter or change functions in the input boxes and press ENTER or click New Functions. Use computer notation, e.g. x^3+2*x.
  • Note:
  • If an applet opens in a separate window, you can maximise or resize the window and move it to a convenient place.
  • If an applet becomes smugged, click on a button to redraw the graph, e.g. Set Limits) or refresh the page. (Right-click and Refresh)
  • If the numbers become very large or small, the applet uses scientific notation, e.g. 1.234E7 means 1.234*107
  • You can close this window ...