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Building of the Department of Consumer Science
The Department of Consumer Science at the University of Stellenbosch offers a wide range of general and specialisation programmes in Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles and Housing at undergraduate and postgraduate level. 
The mission of the Department is to deliver outstanding programmes based on, and integrated with, basic and applied research. 

The Department is strongly committed to providing high quality research and excellent teaching. Research activities include food product development and sensory analysis; community nutrition; clothing consumer behaviour, fabric quality control and clothing entrepreneurship; housing policy, housing management, education and training programme development; adult education and community development. The Department is also active in serving the community and the aim of one of the projects is to train women of underdeveloped communities in entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises. 
The Department of Consumer Science is situated in a building on the corner of Victoria Street and Neethling Street. It is on the main campus close to the central services of the University including the Administrative Buildings and Main Library and within a few minutes walking distance of the Botanical Gardens of the University and the centre of town.