Research Report
Verbruikerswetenskap : 2002
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Papers International
ALBERTYN RM. The effect of a
self-development programme on the empowerment of workers in South
Africa. British Association for International and Comparative Lifelong
Learning and the Building of Human and Social Capital, Nottingham
University, Nottingham, United Kingdom 2002.
MANLEY M. The effect of increasing unrefined oil levels in ostrich
diets on the sensory and fatty acid profile on the M.Iliofibularis.
48th International Conference of Meat Science & Technology, FAO, Rome,
Italy 2002.
Papers National
W. Sustainable utilisation through game meat consumption: current
marketing and consumtive trends. Congress of the Wildlife Management
Association of South Africa, Pretoria Technikon, Pretoria, South Africa
MULLER M. Ostrich meat and fish oil: your tastebuds will tell it
all. Joint Congress of the South African Society for Animal Science
and the Grasslands Society of Southern Africa, Christiana Aventura,
Christiana, South Africa 2002.
A comparison of the sensory meat quality characteristics of bacon made
from South African indigenous and commercial pig breeds. Joint
Congress of the South African Society for Animal Science and the
Grasslands Society of Southern Africa, Christiana Aventura, Christiana,
South Africa 2002.
Research Reports
MOELICH EI, DALTON A. Analytical sensory
analysis of three formulations commercial bread with different sweetener
concentrations. 2002: 7 pp.
MOELICH EI, MULLER M. Analytical sensory
analysis and preference testing of four formulations soft rolls. 2002:
37 pp.
MULLER M. Preference testing of four
formulations commercial frozen biscuit dough. 2002: 35 pp.
MULLER M. Preference testing of four
formulations sparkling fruit juice. 2002: 12 pp.
VAN WYK AS, SCHUTTE DE W. Ondersoek na
die impak van die wet op die uitbreiding van sekerheid van verblyfreg op
die behuising van plaaswerkers. 2002: 21 pp.
Doctoral current
CORNELISSEN JJ. Factors that influences
professional socialization in the Human Ecology / Consumer Science
discipline: A critical analysis. PhD (Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Van
Wyk AS.
CROFTON OJ. The development,
implementation and evaluation of a needs-based housing training programme
for transitional local authority housing officials in South Africa.
PhD (Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Van Wyk AS.
MHANGO MW. Development of a curriculum
framework for localising the fashion and fabrics subject in senior
secondary schools in Botswana. PhD (Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Visser
MULLER M. Cross-literacy sensory study
of South African food products using internal and external preference
mapping. PhD (Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Heymann H.
VAN HUYSSTEEN S. A multi-cultural survey
of diverse figure types to develop a standard sizing system for
implementation in the Southern African clothing industry. PhD
(Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Visser EM.
VAN WYK JJ. Development of a model for
educating human settlement development managers for developing
countries. PhD (Verbruikerswet) Promotor: Van Wyk AS.
Masters completed
BESTER A. A participatory action
research approach to programme evaluation in a rural society. M
Verbruikerswet, 2002. 144 pp. Studieleier: Van Der Merwe ME, Botha MJ,
Groenewald CJ.
CRAFFORD K. The marketing and
consumption potential of indigenous game meat in the Cape Metropole. M
Verbruikerswet, 2002. 169 pp. Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Muller M.
DE JONGH J. Ontwikkeling van 'n
laevetgraanproduk en die effek van verskillende veselvlakke op die
glukemiese indeks. M Verbruikerswet, 2002. 270 pp. Studieleier: Vosloo
importance of retail store image attributes to the female large-size
apparel consumer in a multicultural society. M Verbruikerswet, 2002.
263 pp. Studieleier: Visser EM, Van Der Merwe ME.
MATTHEE S. The development of two-week
menu cycles for households with children allergic to wheat, soy, cow's
milk and egg respectively. MSc Verbruikerswet , 2002. 247 pp.
Studieleier: Vosloo MC, Steinman H, Schutte De W.
SCHMIDT D. Sensory and objective meat
quality characteristics of lamb and processed meat products derived from
terminal crossbred sheep breeds. M Verbruikerswet, 2002. 150 pp.
Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Muller M.
STYGER E. The effect of different breeds
and rearing systems on the sensory and objective meat quality
characteristics of pork. MSc Verbruikerswet , 2002. 150 pp.
Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Muller M.
VAN DER MERWE MP. Development of
value-added products using the neck flesh of cape hake. MSc
Verbruikerswet , 2002. 59 pp. Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Dalton A.
Masters current
DLAMINI BP. Development of a housing
education programme for use in colleges of teacher education. M
Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Van Wyk AS.
JANSEN NK. Protection of the
polyunsaturated fatty acids in hake head flour against oxidation. MSc
Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Dalton A.
KLEINHANS EH. An investigation into
black female clothing consumers' perceptions of store image
attributes. MSc Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Visser EM.
LANGENHOVEN MC. Evaluering van
entrepreneuriese ontwikkelingsprogramme in 'n landelike toerisme-area.
M Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Van Der Merwe ME, Botha MJ.
LE ROUX A. Ondersoek na die moontlikhede
vir entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in 'n landelike toerisme area. M
Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Botha MJ, Van Der Merwe ME.
MACGREGOR E. Die ontwikkeling van
kwaliteitstandaarde vir pastaproduksie en gepaardgaande monitering van
gehalte. MSc Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Vosloo MC.
MLOTSWA K. Patronage behaviour of female
clothing consumers in a multi-cultural society. M Verbruikerswet
Studieleier: Visser EM.
MOJA B. Post-occupency evalution of the
Cape Town Community Housing Company Project. M Verbruikerswet
Studieleier: Van Wyk AS.
NGWASHENG MJ. Housing needs and problems
of Northern Provence rural communities and their influence on quality of
life. M Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Van Wyk AS.
NKHABUTLANE P. The effect of two rabbit
breeds on the growth rate and chemical composition of the meat. M
Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Hoffman LC, Vosloo MC.
PEROLD J. Entepreneurial development
through non-formal adult education and skills training in a rural
community. M Verbruikerswet Studieleier: Botha MJ, Van Der Merwe
SMIT K. Meat quality characteristics of
blesbok (Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi) and red hartebees
(Alcelaphus buselaphus caama) . M Verbruikerswet Studieleier:
Hoffman LC, Muller M.
VAN SCHALKWYK S. Meat quality
characteristics of red rhebuck (Pelea Capreolus) and black
wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou). MSc Verbruikerswet Studieleier:
Hoffman LC, Muller M.
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