Contact us: Tel: 27 21 8083398 / 8083397 Uitnodiging aan oud-studente en oud-personeel Invitation to former students and former personnel Aangesien die departement einde 2005 ontbondel is daar 'n middagete vir oulaas saam kuier vir belangstellendes / As the department unbundle at the end of 2005 there is a lunch for a final get-together for those who are interested Wanneer / When: 12/10/2005 and 19/10/2005 13h00 - 14h00 Waar / Where: Dept Verbruikerswetenskap / Dept of Consumer Science Cost: R40 Contact: Bonnie van Wyk 021 8083398 or Amanda Siebrits 021 8083397
Department of Consumer Science, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602 SOUTH AFRICA |
address: Department of Consumer Science University of Stellenbosch, c/o Victoria and Neethling Street Stellenbosch 7600 SOUTH AFRICA |