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  Last updated: 21 Nov 2017

10th African Laser Centre Student Workshop



30 Nov
– 2 Dec 2017

STIAS, Stellenbosch, South Africa

The Workshop is financially co-supported by the South African Government and the University of Stellenbosch


  Latest additions to the website:

 | Programme | Invited Speakers |

Workshop Theme

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The purpose of the symposium is to bring together ALC grant holders and partners from across Africa, and students at South African universities who are working in the various ALC sponsored projects. The workshop programme is designed to facilitate student presentations and interaction with project leaders. Time is allocated for getting to know one another and to exchange ideas and to share knowledge. The format of the workshop will be as follows:
  • Each project leader will have the opportunity to introduce the project, followed by a student presentation (Total time allocated 20 minutes).
  • Additional project presentations in the form of posters.
  • A limited number of rental pool student presentations will also be accommodated.
  • Three keynote speakers will also address delegates.

The Conference venue is STIAS in Stellenbosch. The fact that the workshop is limited to ALC associated researchers and students, will encourage interaction between grant holders and students.


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The Workshop will take place from Wednesday 29 November to Saturday 2 December 2017 at the Wallenberg Research Centre under the auspices of the African Laser Centre.


Important Dates

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If you are an ALC grantholder or a student studying at a South African university on an ALC project and would like to attend the symposium, please take note of the dates in the table below.


  Workshop announcement and call for abstracts

  18 July 2017

  Abstract and application deadline

  5 September 2017

  Abstract acceptance outcome

  29 September 2017

  Deadline for final abstracts for programme

  12 October 2017

  Workshop Starts

  29 November 2017

  Workshop Ends

  2 December 2017

Invited Speakers

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Prof Joseph Indekeu

Einstein’s impact after 100 years of general relativity theory


Prof Joseph Indekeu
, who in 2013 was awarded a Belgian Academy Prize for Science Outreach, was Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at KU Leuven from 2011 until 2015, While being actively involved, as a leader, in maintaining throughout his Department the highest standards of research, teaching and services to university and society, Joseph Indekeu's personal activities are centered around research in theoretical statistical physics (KU Leuven, PhD 1983, Habilitation 1990), with his team, teaching general physics and quantum physics, and popularizing science by designing and performing in a physics cabaret, together with his children. Joseph Indekeu's international profile is very well balanced and has enabled him to establish a network of colleagues and collaborators who aim at highly original and pioneering contributions to science. After postdoctoral years at MIT, TU Delft and RU Leiden, and shorter stays in Padova, Bristol and Oxford, he developed various seminal lines of research in wetting phenomena and interfacial critical phenomena. This has, in particular, led to a novel view on surface superconductivity, which has led to the prediction of an interface delocalization (or "wetting") phase transition in type-I superconductors. This prediction has recently been verified experimentally. Furthermore, in 2013 Indekeu co-investigated, with researchers of imec, Leuven, wetting states in nanopatterned silicon, which has numerous applications since reliable wet cleaning of nanopatterned Si wafers is an important issue in modern technology. In 2015-2016 Joseph Indekeu traveled around the globe for a Sabbatical year, and stayed at MIT, Stellenbosch, Hanoi, Okayama, Paramaribo and Cabo Verde. He is currently back at the University of Stellenbosch where he teaches general physics, collaborates on computational methods and engages in outreach activities.


Dr Carmelo Rosalez-Guzmán

Vector light fields: generation, detection and applications


Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán received his B.Sc. in Physics from the National Autonomous University of México—UNAM (Mexico City, Mexico) in 2007. In 2010, he received his M.Sc. from the Institute of Astrophysics Optics and Electronics—INAOE (Puebla, Mexico). In 2015, he received his Ph.D. in Photonics with a Cum Laude mention from ICFO—The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona, Spain). Since 2009, he has been involved in the generation of structured light fields for different applications. He spent six months in the Optical Manipulation Group led by Professor Kishan Dholakia at School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), pursuing experiments with engineering collisions between Airy Vortex beams. His Ph.D. thesis “Photonic applications based on the use of structured light” focused on exploring the use of structured beams for applications in optical metrology and was supervised by Professor Juan P. Torres. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the structured light laboratory led by Andrew Forbes at the University of Witwatersrand. His research interest include applications of structured light to optical communications and metrology.


Dr Chris Hawes

Exploring the plant endomembrane system
with laser-based microscopy


Dr Chris Hawes
is Head of the Bioimaging Unit at Oxford Brookes University and runs a research group investigating the structure and function of endomembrane organelles in plant cells. Much of the research involves the use of laser-based microscopes for live cell imaging of plant cells which are genetically tagged with various fluorescent protein constructs. Over the past decade the group has won a number of access grants to work at the Lasers for Science Facility at the nearby Harwell Campus. Laser trapping has been used study the interaction of a small biosynthetic organelle, the Golgi body’ with the major biosynthetic compartment of the cell, the endoplasmic reticulum. Two photon microscopy is being applied to study protein-protein interactions within cells by fluorescence life time microscopy combined with fluorescence resonance imaging, and alongside this single molecule imaging, using total internal reflection microscopy, is being applied to study protein dynamics in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. These studies are backed up by higher resolution electron microscopy of the systems being investigated.
Chris is currently Honorary Executive Secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society and is an Honorary Fellow of the Society and Head of the Doctoral training Programme in the Brookes Department of Biological and Medical Sciences.


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The symposium is being organised by the Laser Research Institute in the Department of Physics, at the University of Stellenbosch for the African Laser Centre.


Organising Committee

 Workshop Chair 

 Prof Erich Rohwer

 Workshop Secretariat

 Prof Piet Walters

 WITS Liaison

 Prof Andrew Forbes

 Review Committee chair

 Dr Christine Steenkamp

 Programme Committee Chair

 Dr Christine Steenkamp

 US Liaison

 Dr Pieter Neethling

 US Liaison  Dr Gurthwin Bosman

 NMMU Liaison

 Prof Ernest van Dyk

 UFS Liaison

 Prof M Ntwaeaborwa


Abstract Review & Scientific Advisory Committee

 Dr Christine Steenkamp, US

 Prof Erich Rohwer, US

 Prof Hendrik Swart, UFS
 Prof Andrew Forbes, WITS


 Programme Committee

  Dr Christine Steenkamp, US
  Prof Ernest van Dyk, NMMU
  Prof Erich Rohwer, US

  Prof Andrew Forbes, WITS

Abstract Submission

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A one-page abstract must be submitted by 5 September 2017 according to the required format. These will be reviewed and the authors notified of the outcome. Full details of the format and instructions for submission can be found in the document links below. Please note that you have to send your Application Form together with your Abstract.
Abstract Submission Instructions:   [ .doc]   [.pdf]  


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Time slots of 20 minutes duration each for oral presentations. This include an introduction by the project leader (< 5 min), presentation by the student, and 3 minutes allocated to questions at the end.  Presentations in English.

Prizes will be awarded for the best presentations. The assessment will be done by the scientific advisory committee


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This page is used to announce the latest news regarding the workshop and progress with arrangements.

  1. Workshop programme: Please click here for the preliminary programme.
    Please consult the programme to establish your presentation time.
    Please contact Workshop Secretariat or Prof Erich Rohwer if you have any programme queries.

  2. Oral presentations Due to the full programme, the format of the orals will be as follows.
    Invited speakers:  50 minutes.
    Other speakers:  20 minutes, including project leader introduction, student presentation and questions.  Project leaders are requested to be brief to allow adequate time for student to present and for questions.

  3. Poster Presentations If you have a poster presentation, the poster size is A0.  Material to attach poster to boards will be supplied.  Please also note that you will have a 2 minute oral introduction of your poster.  For this you will be allowed 1 PowerPoint slide.

  4. Workshop Outing:
    There will be an excursion on Saturday afternoon.

  5. Local transport arrangements:
    See TRANSPORT below.  The organisers will provide transport from the Cape Town International airport to STIAS.


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 Abstract and Application deadline

 5 September 2017

 Abstract acceptance for outcome

 29 September 2017


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    Find Application Form here: [.pdf]  or  [.doc]


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Accommodation has been reserved at University of Stellenbosch Apartments.


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A shuttle transport service between Cape Town International airport and Stellenbosch will be available for participants at the beginning and end of the Workshop. Participants who would like to make use of this transport are expected to arrive in Cape Town on 28 November 2017 preferably in the afternoon and depart on 3 December 2017 after breakfast.

You will be met at the airport Arrivals terminal exit. The name of the ALC Workshop will be displayed on a sign at the exit.



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To be updated after the workshop


Photo Gallery

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9th African Laser Centre Student Workshop Group - 2016


Imaging Workshop Group - 2016

Click on the images for a larger version

Workshop Awards

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To be updated after the workshop


Contact Info

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 Secretariat Address:
  ALC Student Workshop,
  c/o Prof P E Walters
  Department of Physics
  University of Stellenbosch
  Private Bag X1
  7602 Matieland
  South Africa

+27 21 808 3366



