Evening Language Classes and Short Courses

Evening Language Classes
In collaboration with the Postgraduate and International Office (PGIO) the Department of Modern Foreign Languages offers beginners' evening classes in Chinese, French, German and Spanish - Depending on the availability of teachers and number of interested students. Evening classes take place during the semester and are intended for students who have very little or no knowledge of the language. Members of the University community as well as the public are welcome to enrol.
The evening classes do not lead towards the attainment of a qualification.
Jaco du Plooy and
Lizelle Engelbrecht, tel.: 808 2133 or at the Postgraduate and International Office SU International, tel.: 808 2565.
Download the information flyer and the registration form below. Please sent completed registration form to Mr Jaco du Plooy jacoduplooy@sun.ac.za.
Jaco du Plooy and
Lizelle Engelbrecht, tel.: 808 2133 or at the Postgraduate and International Office SU International, tel.: 808 2565.