Wait for the applet to completely load. Click "Reset" to restart. "Brake" (left click) when front car turns red.

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Experiment to find the mimimum safe following distance between cars at different speeds ... Make a recommendation to Arrive Alive about a safe following distance.

You are the driver of the second car. When the front car brakes, it turns red. Then you must left-click (brake) in the applet ...
  1. Set the speed at 120 km/h. Click "Reset". Experiment with different following distances so that all cars can stop without crashing.
  2. Now repeat for 110 km, 100 km, ...
  3. Predict the minimum following distance at a speed of 80 km, then check ...
  4. r, the friction coefficient of the tires on the road is about 0.8 for normal dry conditions. Now change r to 0,2 for slippery roads and see what is its impact.