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Click "(re)start, then drag the truck:

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Click "(re)start graph animation". Click-hold-and-drag the truck - see how the x-y co-ordinates of the truck (i.e. the rear of the truck) changes. Make sure you know where the x-origin is and which direction is positive. See how your movement determines the graph (i.e. the position-time graph)!

The graph shows how far the truck is from the origin at any given moment, whether it is moving away or moving closer to the orgin, and how fast it is moving. Make sure that you understand the influence on the graph if the truck:
- is stationery vs moving
- moves forward vs back
- moves at constant speed vs. moves with acceleration
- moves at different constant speeds.

What motion of the truck will make the following figures? If it is not possible, explain why not. - a "sine" graph?
- a "parabola"?
- a "circle"?
- a "hyperbola"?
- a straight line?
- a straight with a positive gradient?
- a straight with a negative gradient?
- a horisontal straight?
- a vertical straight?