Roman provincial coins

Tetradrachm, Marcus Aurelius Probus, AD 276 - 282


Marcus Aurelius Probus, also known as Equitius, succeeded Tacitus as emperor in AD 276 and within three months disposed of Florian, his rival. Coin legends of Probus display a variety of titles alluding to his victorious military campaigns: i.e. Invictus, Gothicus, Gothicus Maximus, Germanicus Maximus.

Coin portraits usually depict him in full military armour, showing a solid military leader with a strong, thickset neck, sometimes coin reverses depict him on horseback.

Obv. Probus laureate right
Rev. Eirene standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre, in field L and symbol.

Tetradrachm, Marcus Aurelius Probus, AD 276 - 282


Since the reign of Marcus Aurelius, Alexandrian tetradrachms were produced from an alloy of reduced silver called potin (a tin-rich bronze). Tetradrachms varied considerably in size - whereas silver tetradrachms under the Ptolemaic reign measured around 28 mm, by the time of Diocletian billon tetradrachms measured only about 18 mm as did potin tetradrachms.

Obv. Probus laureate right
Rev. Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia, L (gamma) in field, ETOYC.

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