German Studies Programme:
How will your studies progress?

No Gr.12 German
German up to Gr.12 then:
German 178
German 188
German 278
German 288
Here one can change streams:
German 318 & 348
German 328 & 358
Postgraduate for both streams:
Honours, Masters, DPhil


German 178
Introduction to the German Language and Culture

First year level module
Credits : 24 credits
Duration: one year (semester 1 and 2)
Composition : 3 lectures, 1 tutorial and 1 practical per week
Admission requirements: This module is offered for beginners; no prior knowledge of German is required.

German 178 is designed to provide basic intercultural communication skills. It enables students to understand, speak, read and - to a lesser degree - write contemporary German in everyday situations which includes a basic knowledge of contemporary life in the German speaking countries.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed the module successfully are able to understand, speak, read and (to a lesser extent) write German in everyday situations. Students will also have gained a basic knowledge of contemporary German society.

Specific Outcomes

After completing the German 178 module successfully, students are able to


German 188
German Language, Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries

First year level module
Duration : one year (semester 1 and 2)
Credits : 24
Composition : 3 lectures per week
Admission requirements : This module is offered for students who passed German in grade 12 or have an equivalent qualification.

German 188 is designed as an introduction to contemporary and 20th century German literature, culture and history. The language of tuition is German.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed the module successfully are able to use German with ease in a wide variety of situations and to analyse and discuss literary texts in the form of poetry, short stories, plays and novels, against the background of a basic knowledge of contemporary German society.

Specific Outcomes

After completing the German 188 module successfully, a student is able to


German 278
Intermediate Study of the German Language, Literature and Culture

Second year level module
Duration : one year (semester 1 and 2)
Credits : 32
Composition : 3 lectures and 1 practical per week
Admission requirements: successful completion of German 178 or an equivalent qualification.

This module leads to an intermediate proficiency in reading, writing and speaking German and includes an introduction to German literature. The language of tuition is mainly German.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed the course successfully are able to

Specific Outcomes

This second-year module leads to an intermediate proficiency in German. Like the first-year module, it focuses on present-day Germany, but includes a historical dimension. The emphasis falls on students' abilities


German 288
German Language, Literature and Culture of the 18th century to the present

Second year level module
Duration: one year (semester 1 and 2)
Credits : 32
Composition : 3 lectures
Admission requirements: successful completion of German 188 or an equivalent qualification

This module leads to an advanced proficiency in reading, writing and speaking German and includes the analysis and interpretation of German literature. The language of tuition is German.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed the course module successfully are able to

Specific Outcomes

After completing the German 288 course, students are able to


German 318
Advanced Study of the German Language and Culture I

Third year level module
Duration : one semester (semester 1)
Credits : 24 credits
Composition : 2 lectures, 2 seminars per week
Admission requirements: successful completion of German 278 or German 288 or an equivalent qualification

German 348
Advanced Study of the German Language and Culture II

Third year level module
Duration : one semester (semester 2)
Credits : 24 credits
Composition : 2 lectures, 2 seminars per week

The modules 318 and 348 lead to an advanced proficiency in reading, writing and speaking German and includes an introduction to the analysis and interpretation of German literature. The language of tuition is German.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed both modules successfully are able to

Specific Outcomes

After completing the modules German 318 and 348, students are able to


German 328
Advanced Study of German Literature and Culture I

Duration: one semester (semester 1)
Credits : 24
Composition : 3 lectures, 1 practical per week
Admission requirements: successful completion of German 288 or German 278 or an equivalent qualification

German 358
Advanced Study of German Literature and Culture II

Third year level module
Duration: one semester (semester 2)
Credits : 24
Composition : 3 lectures, 1 practical per week

The modules 328 and 358 lead to an advanced proficiency in reading, writing and speaking German and focus on the analysis and interpretation of German literature. The language of tuition is German.

Generic Outcomes

Students who have completed the module successfully

Specific Outcomes

After completing the German 328 and 358 modules, students are able to


Die nachstehenden Angaben richten sich insbesondere an Leser, die mit dem südafrikanischen Hochschulsystem nicht vertraut sind.


Das Studium gliedert sich in vier Phasen; es kann

Deutsch ist, im Rahmen bestimmter Studienprogramme (z.B. B.A. in Humanities, B.A. in Languages and Culture), mit vielen anderen Fächern der Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences kombinierbar. Für die Aufnahme gelten die allgemeinen Zulassungsbedingungen der Universität. Die Unterrichtssprache in allen Kursen ist grundsätzlich Deutsch.

Der B.A.-Studiengang

Der B.A.-Studiengang dient der kritischen Orientierung innerhalb der Fremdkultur. Er besteht aus Kursen, in denen deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Kultur sowie entsprechende wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen integrativ vermittelt werden. Jeder Kurs hat ein Thema, das einen Bereich der Fremdkultur erhellt. Zu jedem Thema werden Texte zur intensiven Erarbeitung und zur extensiven Lektüre bereitgestellt, so dass Studierende im Laufe der drei Jahre einen Überblick über die deutsche Literatur im weitesten Sinne erhalten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der zeitgenössischen Literatur liegt. Sie wird durch ein chronologisch rückläufiges Vorgehen als Resultat historischer Prozesse verdeutlicht. Der Bachelor-Grad ermöglicht die Zulassung zum Honours und danach zu verschiedenen Master-Studiengängen.

Der Anfängerkurs Deutsch 178 führt ohne weiteres nach Deutsch 278. Fremdsprachige Kandidaten mit Matrikabschluss in Deutsch als Fremdsprache belegen den Kurs Deutsch 188. Kandidaten mit Matrikabschluss in Deutsch als Muttersprache können nach einer Eignungsprüfung direkt zum zweiten Studienjahr (Deutsch 288) zugelassen werden, müssen aber stattdessen eine zusätzliche Sprache oder Linguistik auf Erstjahresebene belegen.

Der B.A.Honours-Studiengang (B.A. Hons.)

Das Honours-Studium dient der Einführung in die Forschung. Die Studierenden belegen drei verschiedene Module und schließen ihren Grad mit einer umfangreichen Forschungsarbeit ab.

Der Master-Studiengang (M.A.)

Die Deutschabteilung ein Master-Studium an, das ausschließlich der Vertiefung der Forschung dient. Studierende werden hier ggf. an Forschungsprojekten der Dozenten beteiligt. In der Masterarbeit müssen Studierende ihre Befähigung zu selbständiger Arbeit nachweisen.

Der Doktorgrad (PhD)

Master-Absolventen können nach zwei mindestens weiteren Studienjahren mit einer Inaugural-Dissertation (PhD) promovieren und sich ggf. an Forschungsprojekten in der Abteilung beteiligen.