Postgraduate Student Research

MA in Technology for Language Learning/
MPhil in Hypermedia for Language Learning
2015 | Valentin Uwizeyimana: The contribution of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) to the acquisition of English as a Second Language: A Rwandan Case Study. (L Bergman) |
2014 | Trudie Strauss: Investigating the implementation of a blended learning approach in teaching German to beginners using Moodle as an online learning platform. (L Bergman) |
2012 | Marianne Bezuidenhout: An investigation into the effect of mobile poetry and grammar instruction on the literacy levels of Grade 8-students of English First Additional Language within the South African rural context. (With distinction) (L Bergman) |
Niel de la Rouviere: An investigation into whether an SRS program that utilizes the unique properties of Chinese orthography accelerates the acquisition of vocabulary items for students of Chinese as a foreign language. (With distinction) (L Bergman) |
2011 | Irene Brand: An examination of the effectiveness of a digital tool as an intervention measure to improve the reading comprehension skills of high school learners (With distinction) (L Bergman) |
Susan Marais: Die gebruik van selfoongebaseerde Klankleer Leerleesmetode vir die vaslegging van Leesvaardighede vir Gr. 3 (RO du Toit) |
2010 | Alison Stander: An investigation into the validity of mobile technologies as a support structure for first year students studying German as a foreign language in a South African context (L. Bergman) |
Liani Swanepoel: Vergilius op die Web: ’n Kritiese Evaluering van Vyf Webwerwe (With distinction) (L Bergman) |
Marinda van Rooyen: An evaluation of the feasibility of using Moodle to develop an online learning program for the Grade 12 Literature component of the First Additional Language syllabus in South Africa (With distinction) (L Bergman) |
2009 | RW Coetzee: Beyond buzzwords: Towards an evaluation framework for Computer
Assisted Language Learning in the South African FET sector (L Bergman) |
Matthias Jakus: [E-] Learning by doing. Integrierter und handlungsorientierter
Einsatz neuer Medien am Beispiel Goethe-Zentrum Kapstadt (RO du Toit) |
Fiona Marais: An investigation into the significance of listening proficiency
in the assessment of academic literacy levels at Stellenbosch University (L Bergman, T van Dyk) |
2008 | Avril Crouch: LIGSTRAAL – ‘n Ondersoek om die waarde van
Tegnologie by die verwerwing van Leesvaardighede te bepaal (L Bergman) |
Ezekiel Ditaunyane: The Integration of Multimedia Resources in the teaching
of Tswana at Secondary Schools in the Motheo District (L Bergman) |
Cecil Ekron: Harnessing poetry to develop communication skills of GET
learners (Grades 8, 9) in English as a first additional language in South
African schools. (RO du Toit) |
Nanda Klapwijk: A blended learning solution to strategy training for
improving second language reading comprehension. (RO du Toit, L Bergman) |
Julia Kulenkampff: The French Menu: design and development of a Web
based application for chefs, restaurateurs and waitrons on the writing
and understanding of French menus. (RO du Toit, Eric Levéel) |
Nici Rousseau: Fostering Learner Autonomy in the second language classroom
with Computer Assisted Language Learning in a supportive role. (RO du Toit) |
2007 | Vernita Beukes: Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van ’n luisterprogram
vir post-beginner studente van Afrikaans (RO du Toit) |
Elizabeth Johannes: Deutsch 1,2,3!! An interactive, multimedia, web-based
program for the German Foreign Language classroom. (RO du Toit) |
2006 | Richo Jansen: The Language of Arts and Culture (website) (RO du Toit) |
Francois Tredoux: Stellenbosch Safari. A multimedia program based on
Suggestopedic principles for the teaching of Afrikaans to international
students at Stellenbosch University (Authorware) (RO du Toit) |
Elvin Vraagom: Afrikaans as kommunikasietaal in sy essensiël, elementêre vorm by derdetaalsprekers by Hoërskool Weston (Authorware) (RO du Toit) | |
2005 | Marisca Coetzee: Die ongelooflike avonture van Tjommie en die Brabbelaars:
'n interaktiewe taalreis deur die wonders van Afrikaans vir Beginners
op tersiêre vlak. (website) (RO du Toit, Collena Blanckenberg) |
Uwe Strack: Didactization of a youth novel as CALL material for advanced
Grade 11-12 learners of German as a Foreign Language (website) (RO du Toit) |
Ada Yang: The Enlightened Chinese Characters. A Cognitive Approach of
Computer Assisted Chinese Character Learning (website) (RO du Toit, Amy Yu) |
2004 | Nelia Buys: An interactive, multimedia, web-based program to develop
proficiency in specific reading skills for English first-year university
students: an empirical study (website "Power Play") (RO du Toit) |
Renate Brunke: 'deutsch live' - A culturally orientated bridging course
for students learning German in the Western Cape " (website) (RO du Toit) |
Charise Janse van Rensburg: Cape Town - Africa's Gateway. A traveler's
and cultural guide to Cape Town and surrounds with educational Xhosa language
phrases (website) (RO du Toit) |
Henriette Lemmer: Ich kann Deutsch! - Ein Deutschkurs für den Auslandsdienst
(Zweite Stufe) (website) (RO du Toit) |
Tebogo Malie: Improve Your Essay Writing: The Essential Guide (website) (RO du Toit) |
Rose Masha: A Case Study investigating the Essay Writing Skills of Eastern
Cape Technikon Education Students using the Writing Process Workshop Language
Software (thesis) (RO du Toit) |
Christa van der Merwe: Abenteuer mit Werner und Roswitha (Authorware) (RO du Toit, Isabel dos Santos) |
Amy Yu: Chinese Character Challenger (website) (RO du Toit) |
2003 | Korinna Lenssen: Beginner's German for Tourguides in Namibia (website) (RO du Toit) |
Hanelle Fourie: SASL (South African Sign Language) (website) (RO du Toit) |
Hilma Reinhardt: A user-friendly user-interface for an electronic collocations
dictionary. Recommendations based on the example of German as a foreign language for Afrikaans mother tongue speakers. (RO du Toit, Dr U Heid) |
Eileen Scheckle: Business Game (website) (Prof HR Kussler, RO du Toit) |
CHJ van der Merwe: Biblical Hebrew from various angles (website, Powerpoint,
MS Word) (Prof HR Kussler, RO du Toit) |
2002 | Hanli Fourie: Beginners French for Tourism (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Nathalie Heynderickx: Les Huguenots - un peuple réfugié
(website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Willem Liebenberg: SANDF (website) (Prof HR Kussler, RO du Toit) |
Dominic Mentor: AdCALL: Advertisements for Language Learning (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Kurt von Hammerstein: Die Lernmaschine. Lerntheorien und ihr Einfluss
auf den Computer als Lernmedium - Behaviorismus, Kognitivismus, Konstruktivismus,
Waldorf (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Steven Yates: Natal Indian English (website) ( Prof HR Kussler) |
2001 | Piet Boonzaier: Xhosa Tutorial for Beginners (Authorware and website) (Prof HR Kussler, RO du Toit) |
Antonie Smit: Lees met begrip (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
2000 | Lesley Bergman: Reel Views [Introduction to film analysis for use in
schools] (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Leonore Bredekamp: The People of Lumko (Toolbook) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Renate du Toit: D-Tour: Deutsch für Tourismusstudenten (Toolbook) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Jeanne Fehrsen: CorkHouse [Bilingual French / English introduction to
wine-making] (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Anthony Katz: The Barmy Teacher [Barmitzvah preparation] (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |
Jay Lalloo: The Ecology of Northwest Province (website) (Prof HR Kussler) |