
2.2 Geometry-Algebra interplay

In his book La Geometrie (an appendix to Discours de la Méthode) Descartes begins by looking at "How multiplication, division and extraction of square roots are performed geometrically". This is essentially a description of some Greek constructions. Only the algebraic notation is new. We say "only", but of course the application of algebra to geometry was Descartes's great achievement. Nevertheless this application of algebra is not yet what we understand as Analytical Geometry. The central idea of Analytical Geometry is the study of curves using algebraic equations. Let us look at what all this means by exploring the situations he elaborates at the beginning of La Geometrie.

Click on the pages below for a larger view of the first two pages of La Geometrie. We will analyse the two problems in the figures on the second page.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

In the first problem Descartes shows how to multiply the length BD by BC. He starts with the segment AB that he takes to be unity. This length is not necessarily equal to one, nevertheless it is treated arithmetically as if it is equal to one. He then joins A to C and B to C. Finally he draws DE parallel to AC and then claims that BE = BD.BC

Convince yourself that Descartes is correct by dragging points D and C and looking at the lengths and the calculations …
Drag point A. How come AB remains constant at 1?

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Now prove that BE = BD.BC.

Click here for a discussion:  

Now let’s look at how Descartes found square roots geometrically.

Prove that GI is the square root of GH.

Click here for the solution:  

Let’s illustrate how Descartes solves an algebraic equation by interpreting it geometrically.
To solve for x in he interprets x as an unknown length and a and b as known lengths, and makes the following geometrical construction that satisfies the condition:

Prove that the length x satisfies .

Click here for an explanation of the solution: