Publications/Presentations 2003
Publications 2003
Roux, JC. On the perception and production of tone in the Sotho and Nguni languages. Zulu. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Cross linguistic studies of Tonal Phenomena, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Ed S Kaji, pp. 155-176. 2003.
Presentations 2003
Louw, PH & Theunissen, M. Annotating the AST Speech Databases: Practise makes Perfect. Presentation at workshop at the 12th Biennial Conference of the African Language Association of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2003
Roux, JC. Launch conference on isiXhosa Parliamentary Terminology, Cape Town. (Paper on invitation). 2003.
Roux, JC. Organiser and facilitator of State Information Technology (SITA) Workshop: HLT Research Roadmap, Pretoria. 2003
Roux, JC. Organiser of one-day Workshop on Language and Speech Processing at the 12th International Biennial Conference of ALASA, Stellenbosch University. 2003.
Roux, JC. 12th International Biennial Conference of African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA), Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (Presenter at workshop). 2003.
Roux, JC. 6th International TAMA Conference on Multilingual Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Pretoria (Paper). 2003.
Roux, JC. First International workshop of the International Committee for Written Language Resources (ICWLR): Paris, France. (Paper). 2003.
Roux, JC. International COCOSDA Workshop, Geneve, Switserland (Paper). 2003.
Roux, JC. International Colloquium on Multilingualism and Electronic Management, University of Free State, Bloemfontein. (Paper). 2003.
Roux, JC. Workshop on Partnership: SA – Dutch Language Union on the Development of Human Language Technology, Bloemfontein (Paper). 2003.