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Publications/Presentations 2004

Publucations 2004

  • Niesler, TRN, & Louw, PH. English, Xhosa and Afrikaans Recognition for the AST Telephone Speech Databases. In South African Computer Journal, Issue 32. pp 3 – 12, 2004. SACJ2004

  • Roux, JC, Louw, PH & Niesler, TRN. The African Speech Technology Project: An Assessment. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Vol I pp 93-96, Lisbon, Portugal. 2004. ELREC2004

  • Roux, JC. Technology and Multilingualism. Proceedings of the Parliamentary Conference on Multilingualism, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Cape Town, C Cgasamba, pp 26-30. 2004.

  • Roux, JC. Promoting Language and Speech Technologies in a Developing Continent. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Speech and Computer, SPEECOM 203, Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia, pp 68-74

  • Roux, JC. The African Speech Technology Project: Final Report to the Innovation Fund (NRF) pp 56. 2004. Also Editor of 35 Technical Reports of the AST project during the period 2000 – 2003.

Presentations 2004

  • Roux, JC. International Workshop on ICT and Sustainable Development, Bangalore, India. Organised by Carnegie Mellon University with assistance of UNESCO and the World Bank. (Invited Chair of Workshop on ICT and Education.)

  • Roux, JC. 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004), Lisbon, Portugal. 2004. (Paper)

  • Roux, JC. Joint COCOSDA / ICWLR workshop: Building the Language Resources and Evaluation Roadmap, Lisbon, Portugal. 2004.

  • Roux, JC. International Workshop on Language Resources, Pronunciation Variations and Lexicons for Automatic Speech Recognition, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. 2004.(Two papers on invitation.)


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