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  Last updated: 09 Feb 2008

19th Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics

23 Jan 2008 - 1 Feb 2008
National Institute for Theoretical Physics at
Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study,
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

The School is financially supported by the National Institute for
Theoretical Physics

Workshop on Soft Condensed Matter and Physics of Biological Systems - Perspectives and topics for South Africa


Click on picture to download high resolution image |2.968MB|

 Photo: Anton Jordaan  (S.S.F.D.)

Time and Venue

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The school will take place from 23 January to 1 February 2008 at
the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) under the auspices of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics at STIAS.

More about Stellenbosch and surroundings
See map to the venue [.pdf] [.gif] [.png]


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Soft Condensed Matter and
Physics of Biological Systems

Physics of polymers, bio-polymers, membranes, DNA, cytoskeleton and physics up to the cellular level, including simulations and current
experimental work.

Course Lecturers and Topics

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Daan Frenkel
(FOM - Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics
(AMOLF), Amsterdam)
Jannie Hofmeyr
Stellenbosch University
Jean-Francois Joanny
Institut Curie, Paris
Fred MacKintosh
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Samuel Safran
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
Helmut Schiessel
Leiden University
Christoph Schmidt
Göttingen University
Preliminary Programme [.pdf] 30.79kb


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About 40 lectures of 50 minutes duration presented in English.

Preliminary Programme [.pdf] 30.79kb


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Places have been reserved in student accommodation, Huis Neethling,
within a very short walking distance from the STIAS building, i.e. the
venue of the school. Since student accommodation is limited to 45 places (two per room and one room with three beds), students will receive priority on a first-come-first-served basis. The cost for this accommodation is R2050 and includes breakfast.

School attendees who do not wish to make use of this accommodation are requested to make their own reservations and arrangements for payment with Bed and Breakfast establishments. Some rooms have also been reserved in establishments that are also to be found in close
proximity to STIAS.

Prelimenary accommodation has been booked for regular participants at B&B's. More information will follow soon.

See map to Huis Neethling and B&B's [.pdf] [.gif] [.png]

Student Subsidy

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Subsidy for students
Students are normally expected to find support from their home
institution and/or thesis advisor to participate in the school. Funds
are, however, available to support a number of bona fide, full-time
local (South African) students.  It is envisaged that the successful
candidates will be subsidized up to 60% of their total costs for
shared accommodation.  Interested students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.  Applications for a subsidy should provide:
  1. a brief summary of personal details
  2. a motivation for participation
  3. a letter of recommendation from the Head of Department or thesis advisor.

Complete applications should be sent to Me. CJ Ruperti at the secretariat address below by 1 November 2007. Only in cases of particular need will increased support be considered for well motivated and meritful applications. It is unfortunately not possible to subsidize any travelling costs.

Applicants will be informed by 15 November 2007 if they had been
successful. After that date all applications will be subject to
available funding.

Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements to Cape Town International airport.


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 01 Nov 2007  Last day for application for subsidy
 15 Nov 2007  Registration deadline and notification to subsidy applicants
 01 Dec 2007  Deadline for payment of registration, conference fees
 and accommodation. After this late fees will apply.



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Transport between Cape Town International airport and the school venue will be organized for all lecturers at the beginning and end of the school.

A shuttle transport service between Cape Town International airport and the school venue will be available for participants at the beginning and end of the school. Please provide us with your travel choice on the second part of the registration page.  The travel arrangement field will be available when you logon after the initial registration process. Participants who would like to make use of this transport are expected to arrive in Cape Town on 22 January 2008 and depart on 1 February 2008.  Update your information here.


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We have been able to keep the costs at, or even below, the levels of
the Summer Schools in previous years.

For students the total costs consist of the registration fee + the conference fee + the accommodation in Huis Neethling. The cost for the conference fee together with the accommodation in Huis Neethling will not exceed R4800; there is a possibility that this can be reduced by a small amount. We shall inform registered participants duly.

Registration Fees:

 Early registration (Regular)  R500
 Early registration (Students)  R300
 Late registration (Regular)  R750
 Late registration (Students)  R450
Early registration before 1 December 2007


 Conference fee that includes lunch, dinner,
 tea and snacks (on weekdays only).


 Shared accommodation in Huis Neethling:  R2050
Delegates who do not wish to make use of the accommodation in Huis Neethling are advised that accommodation in Stellenbosch during January should be reserved early and is more expensive.

Payment details

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Participants resident in South Africa can pay by bank transfer or personal cheque.   Foreign participants can pay by bank draft or bank transfer (in US dollars).  All cheques and bank drafts should be made payable to 'Theoretical Physics Summer School'.  For bank transfers refer to the following information:

Bank ABSA Bank Stellenbosch
Street Address Plein Street, Stellenbosch
Postal Address P.O.  Box 138, 7602, Stellenbosch
Bank Code 63-04-10-45
Account Number 4046528525
Reference Number SUM2008- _ _ _
(Your reference number as provided by e-mail)

If payment is made by bank transfer, a copy of the transfer instruction should be faxed to the secretariat at (+27-21-8083385).

Please ensure that you add your REFERENCE NUMBER on the Bank Deposit Slip / other documentation, which is submitted to the secretariat as proof of payment.


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 KK Müller-Nedebock (Chair)  University of Stellenbosch
 WD Heiss  University of Stellenbosch
 TB Liverpool  Bristol University
 A Muronga  University of Cape Town

Contact info

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Secretariat Address:
Theoretical Physics Summer School 2008,
c/o Me. Christine Ruperti
Department of Physics
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X1
7602 Matieland
South Africa

+27 21 808 3380


+27 21 808 3385


Technical: Tinus Botha

Map to the venue, Huis Neethling and B&B's [.pdf] [.gif] [.png]
More about Stellenbosch and surroundings

Photo Gallery

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| Main Gallery | Function at Knorhoek | Group Image (2.968MB) |

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  Visitors since 11-09-2007
