
Personeellede en nagraadse studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die Universiteit van Kaapstad en die Universiteit van Wes-Kaap ontmoet gereeld om die mees onlangse navorsing voor te lê en idees uit te ruil. Besoekers aan die Departemente, personeellede en nagraadse studente is sprekers by hierdie geleenthede wat om die beurt by beide universiteite aangebied word.
- Dr. Hannelore van Ryneveld (University of the Western Cape) spoke on the theme
Von „gezeichneten Dingen“ und dem „Geflüster der Generationen“
at a colloquium on 4 August 2009 hosted by the University of the Western Cape.
Einladung (pdf) - Prof. Gunther Pakendorf (UCT) spoke on the theme
Ein Spruch, der wahr sei: Hans Grimm, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff und das „unabänderliche Recht”
at a colloquium on 10 March 2009 hosted by the University of Stellenbosch.
- Prof. Dr. Ernest Hess-Lüttich (University of Bern) spoke on the theme
„Pannen vor Gericht. Sprache und Recht in einem frühen Hörspiel von Friedrich Dürrenmatt”
at a colloquium on 10 February 2009 hosted by the University of Stellenbosch.
- Prof. Gunther Pakendorf (UCT) spoke on the theme
“Der englische Sebald”
at a colloquium on 30 September 2008 hosted by the University of Stellenbosch.
- Dr Rolf Annas spoke on the theme
Between separation and integration: The Germans of Paarl
at a colloquium on 16 September 2008 hosted by the University of the Western Cape.
- Dr Ingrid Laurien (Göttingen / Stellenbosch) spoke on
Kolonialismus und Gender: Der „Fall” Frieda von Bülow
at a colloquium on 20 May 2008 hosted by the University of Stellenbosch.
Invitation and abstract (pdf) -
Prof. Gunther Pakendorf (UCT) spoke on the theme “Deutsche Afrika-Missionare zwischen Oralität und Schriftkultur” at a colloquium on 22 April 2008 hosted by the University of Cape Town.
Gerda Wittmann, MA student under the supervision of Ms dos Santos, spoke on “the conceptualisation of the Femme Fatale” at the Department’s graduate colloquium on 9 April 2008.
Claudia Liebrand (Universität Köln) was the guest speaker at a colloquium hosted by the department on 18 March 2008.
The theme of the colloquium was K. vor der Leinwand. Orson Welles’ Verfilmung von Kafkas „Proceß”. -
Dr Andreas Hettiger was the guest speaker at a colloquium hosted by the department on 15 October 2007. The theme of the colloquium was “Ein Gott wird Mensch. Oliver Kahns mediale Inszenierungen biographischer Bewältigungsstrategien”.
Prof. Ulrich Ammon (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Colloquium: “Die internationale Stellung der deutschen Sprache”, 4 August 2005
- Prof. Dr Gerhard Härle (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg) was
the guest speaker at a colloquium hosted by the department on
21 September 2004.
The theme of the colloquium was “Ingeborg Bachmann - Liebe: Dunkler Erdteil. Zum Exotismus in Bachmanns Lyrik”.