| Kennisgewings |
| "Tout un poème" |
| Klasverteenwoordigers |
| Toekennings en pryse |
| Nuttige Skakels |
| Internasionale Studente |
| Alumni |

Devoirs de vacances (FRN 178) 2008 - 2009
Lees asseblief alle beleidsdokumente noukeurig deur.
"Tout un poème"
Some of the FRN 278 students have excelled this term in one of their assignments: they were asked to write a poem in French by the lecturer Marietjie Fouché about "la Francophonie" and the importance of French. Seven students have impressed their lecturer so much, and also all of us in the French section, that we would like to make their "creative outputs" (pdf) available to all.
Bravo à Erika Lutz, Robert van der Westhuizen, Pierrine Leukes, Carla Kriek, Daniel Zmak, Elke Matthaei and Ciska Cokrell.
Vive la poésie ! Vive la Francophonie !
Klasverteenwoordigers - 2009
Het jy enige vrae / kommentaar oor jou klasse?
Praat met jou klasverteenwoordiger!
Lys van klasverteenwoordigers (pdf) vir 2009
Toekennings en Pryse
Embassy of France Merit Bursaries for 2008
The following students are the 2008 recipients of the Embassy of France merit bursaries covering part of their tuition fees for their respective French modules. Merit bursaries are awarded to undergraduate and post-graduate students who received top results at the end of 2007and who have decided to pursue their French studies.
The French section is grateful for the Embassy of France's continuous support and financial assistance ; it would also like to congratulate the 2008 recipients for their hard work and dedication.
Chippendale, Emma | FRN 278 (former FRN 188) |
Cockrell, Ciska | FRN 278 (former FRN 178) |
Morden, Lizl | FRN 278 (former FRN 178) |
Muller, Christopher | FRN 278 (former FRN 178) |
Schlunz, George | FRN 278 (former FRN 178) |
Jooste, Anneli | FRN 318/348 |
Stander, Renée | FRN 318/348 |
Lombard, Jeanne | FRN 778 |
Mucina, Silvia | FRN 778 |
German Section: Presentation of book prizes for 2008
During a function attended by the German Consul Hansjörg Marquardt students who had achieved top position in their respective modules of German were each awarded a book prize donated by the German Consulate. The presentation took place on March 4th and honoured student achievement of 2008. For recipients and photographs of the event please visit the Student Events page. |
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Nuttige Skakels
Fransstudente - het jy aanlyn-hulp nodig met jou Fans? Kliek op online
Duitsstudente - gebruik hierdie praktiese skakels vir hulp met jou Letterkunde en Taal.
Mandarynsstudente - besoek hierdie webwerwe om jou kennis van Chinees uit te brei: Chinese taal en kultuur.
Internasionale Studente
Een van die internasionale studente by die Departement, Jörg Marquardt, het 'n artikel getiteld Wie klingt Stellenbosch? Ein Soundcheck, oor Stellenbosch geskryf vir die reistydskrif
Hier is hy saam met nog 'n internasionale student:
Links: Wim Brits (Universiteit van Antwerpen) registreer vir Duits 389. Regs: Jörg Marquardt (Universiteit van Tübingen) doen sy Honneurs in Duits.
Indien jy 'n student by die Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale was, wil ons graag van jou hoor! Stuur asseblief enige fotos of stories oor jou doen en late - ons sal dit op ons webwerf plaas!
Kontak jou voormalige dosente, stuur 'n e-pos, of kom kuier!