French Students and Lecturers



Learn French - the African language that will give you wings!

Add another global language to your range of communication skills.

French 178 is intended for students with no prior knowledge of the language. This is an intensive beginners course. French 188 is intended for students who passed French as a third language in Grade 12 and builds on the language skills acquired at school level. The course includes lectures in French language and literature as well as lectures that are intended to equip students with a cultural knowledge of France and the Francophonie and prepare them for extra-curricular exams such as the DELF. French 278, French 318 and French 348 are the intermediate and advanced undergraduate levels and continue studies of French literature and language. Additional lectures at third year level prepare students for the use of French in professional situations. Students from other Faculties may take French.

Our postgraduate programmes comprise the Honours programme in French and the MA programme in French. The Honours programme concentrates on French and Francophone literature and prepares students for independent academic research. The MA programme consists of a 100% thesis on a research topic of the student's choice.


French 178
Introduction to the French language and culture

Current Module Outline (English pdf)

First year level module
Duration : one year
Credits : 24
Composition : 3 lectures, 1 tutorial and 1 practical per week
Admission requirements: This module is offered for beginners; no prior knowledge of French is required.

The module is designed to provide basic intercultural communication skills. It enables students to understand, speak, read and - to a lesser degree - write contemporary French in everyday situations which includes a basic knowledge of present day situation in French speaking countries.

Generic Outcomes

Students that have completed the course sucessfully are able to understand, speak, read and (to a lesser extent) write French in everyday situations with a basic knowledge of contemporary French society.

Specific outcomes

After completing the French 178 course successfully, a student is able to


French 188
Intermediate study of French language, literature and culture

Current Module Outline (pdf)

First year level module
Duration : one year
Credits : 24
Composition : 3 lectures and 1 tutorial per week
Admission Requirements : French 188 is offered for students who passed French in grade 12 or an equivalent qualification.

Generic outcomes

Students that have completed the course sucessfully are able to use French with ease in a wide variety of everyday situations and to analyse and discuss literary texts in the form of poetry, short stories, plays and novels, against the background of a basic knowledge of contemporary French society.

Specific outcomes

After completing the French 188 course successfully, a student is able to


French 278
Continued study of French language, literature and culture

Current Module Outline (pdf)

Second year level module
Duration : one year
Credits : 32
Composition : 3 lectures, 1 tutorial and 1 practical per week

The second year course leads to advanced proficiency reading, writing and speaking French and includes an introduction to the interpretation of French literature.

Generic outcomes

Students that have completed the course sucessfully are able to

Specific outcomes

After completing the French 278 course successfully, a student is able to


French 318
Advanced study of the French Language, Literature and Culture

Current Module Outline (pdf)

Third year level module
Level : third year
Duration : one semester (first semester)
Credits : 24
Composition : 5 lectures per week

French 348
Advanced study of the French Language, Literature and Culture

Current Module Outline (pdf)

Third year level module
Level : third year
Duration : one semester (second semester)
Credits : 24
Composition : 5 lectures per week


The two third year modules approach the study of literary texts in the context of themes leading to multidisciplinary interpretation of such texts. The course also includes an introduction to research methodology in order to prepare students for independent academic research. In addition to this, several elements within the course focus on the practical and professional application of language studies.

Generic outcomes

Students that have completed the course successfully are able to

Specific outcomes

After completing French 318 and 348, a student is able to



Updated: 05-Sept-2019