ICOLD Member Countries in Africa
The following African countries are members of ICOLD
Monsieur A. BENLALA,
Secrétaire Général, Comité Algérien des Grands Barrages
FAX (213-021) 29 94 71
PHONE (213-021) 68 93 00
E-mail anbtdz@gmail.com
A number of hydropower dams are being planned. There is 32MW of hydrocapacity in operation. The Bougouriba (12MW), Bagre Aval (4MW), Ouessa (16MW) are planned.
There are also two mini hydroplants in operation. Accidents in some small dams have been reported and issues addressed. A dam conference is planned.
Monsieur Adama NOMBREPrésident, Comité des Grands Barrages
FAX (226) 50 31 22 09
PHONE (226) 50 43 08 01
E-mail nadama@fasonet.bf
Monsieur Théodore. NSANGOU
Comité Camerounais des Grands Barrages
FAX (237) 22 23 11 13
PHONE (237) 22 23 19 30 - 22 23 10 89
E-mail theonsangou@yahoo.fr
Secrétaire Général, CCGB
FAX (871-682) 62 26 77
PHONE (871-682) 62 26 76
Major project planned in Egypt is the Ataga pumped-storage power station (2100). Promotion of renewable energy source particularly winds. Some problems in their small dams have been experienced and resolved.
Mr Elsayed
Secretary General, Egyptian Committee on Large Dams
FAX (20-2) 544 94 57
PHONE (20-2) 312 92 59 & 544 94 57
E-mail s.elsayed@nws.gov.eg
E-mail encold_eg@hotmail.com
Alternative contact: Mr. El-jAshaal
E-mail aaselashaal@yahoo.com
Ethiopia has registered one of the fastest economic growths among Sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries during the past several successive years. Rapid economic growth presupposes even more rapid growth of the power sector to energize that growth.
The Ethiopian highlands have significant importance in the hydrologic system of the country and east Africa as the source of many rivers. Most of the rivers flow in deep gorges, forming high waterfalls and rapids as they descend from the highlands, which favoured exploitation of the hydropower potential at relatively low unit energy cost. Ethiopia is one of the few African countries that have great potential for producing hydroelectricity and Irrigation development. The estimated total hydropower potential of Ethiopia is about 45000MW; of this vast potential, less than 5% is being utilized.
Unprecedented growth in demand for electricity (in excess of 30% per annum), caused by the rapid economic growth over the past several years has posed a serious challenge to the national utility, EEPCO, whose total installed capacity is only about 2,000 MW at the moment. The country is currently focusing on developing the country's hydroelectric potential and remarkable achievements have been recorded in the last decade in completing projects such as Tekezie (350MW), Gilgel Gibe II (420MW), Beles (460MW), Fincha (97MW) and projects under construction that include Gibe II (1870MW) and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (6000MW).
Based on various river basin master plans, the aggregate irrigation potential of Ethiopia (small, medium and large) has been estimated more than 5 million hectares. Out of this estimate the medium and large-scale irrigation potential together comprises about 81.4% of the aggregate. From this potential less than 10% of land is currently developed. This implies that these rich water and land resources have not been exploited and the level of utilization made from these resources for the socioeconomic development of the country so far is insignificant. Currently, more than 5 large irrigation dam are being constructed.
Mr. Michael ABEBE
President, Ethiopian Committee on Large Dams (ETCOLD)
PHONE (251-1) 1646 1130
CELLPHONE (251) 911604545
E-mail michael.abebe@gmail.com
PO Box 17598
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mr. Frezer Zemedkun
Secretary, Ethiopian Committee on Large Dams
CELLPHONE (251) 911202372
E-mail zfrezer@yahoo.com
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Secretary, Ghana Committee on Large Dams
FAX (233-21) 66 26 10
PHONE (233-21) 66 95 11
E-mail ada.asomontsi@vra.com
Four main river systems in the Country, 22 dams are now in operation, mostly embankment. There is a proposed Soubre hydro project (270MW). There is a planned Aboisso plant (6.5MW). Government is planning the privatization of the energy and water sectors with emphasis on thermal generation.
Monsieur V. KOUAME
Président, Comité Ivoirien des Grands Barrages
FAX (225) 22 42 79 79
PHONE (225) 22 52 76 00
E-mail bouedyc@africaonline.co.ci
Alternative e-mail addresses:
E-mail mbedia@sopie.ci
E-mail bappiabrou@cie.ci
E-mail dnagaky@yahoo.fr
E-mail s.ahoussou@yahoo.fr
Secretary, Kenya Commission on Large Dams
FAX (20) 444 5228
PHONE (20) 205 4656
E-mail info@foundationpiling.co.ke
Phase II of the Lesotho Highland Water Project has just kick started with feasibility studies for flows in nearby rivers and some advanced infrastructure. Feasibility studies for the dams and tunnels for Phase II will soon commence during 2012.
Phase II comprises of 165M CFRD Dam with crest length about 1000m and tunnel from Polihali to Katse dam near Katse dam Intake Shaft for water transfer to Muela Hydropower plant. The Phase II project is estimated to be at about $2.0 billion.
There is a proposed underground Hydropower generating plant near Katse Dam Intake Shaft which will be a Pump Storage Scheme. The Plant will be generating approximately 1000MW of electricity which will be transmitted to a regional grid during peak periods for Southern Africa region. The geological investigations have been completed (early 2012). Soon feasibility studies will start. Hydropower project estimated at $2.0 billion.
Mr. Sixtus TOHLANG
Secretary, Lesotho Committee on Large Dams
PHONE (266) 588 608 01
E-mail sec@lega.org.ls
Most electricity sources are thermal sources (oil and gas fired plants). They are a few renewable projects using wind and renewable projects using wind and solar energy. A few flooding problems are reported in some of their small dams.
Chairman, Libyan Committee on Large Dams
FAX (218-21) 487 2064
PHONE (218-21) 487 2064
E-mail mus_mz55@yahoo.com
Alternative e-mail addresses:
E-mail lncold@yahoo.com
E-mail alghbli@yahoo.com
Secrétaire Général, Comité Malgache des Grands Barrages
FAX (261-2)33 806 - 222 6936
PHONE (261-2) 33 319
E-mail ratsimiebo@moov.mg
Alternative e-mail address:
E-mail dvraoelijaona@gmail.com
Mr Arbi Hama
Président, Comité Malien des Grands Barrages
PHONE (223) 641 22 93
E-mail arbi@fasonet.bf
Alternative e-mail addresses:
E-mail hamidou_kb@yahoo.fr
E-mail chbmaiga@gmail.com
Secretary general, Moroccan Committee on Dams
FAX (212-37) 77 66 58
PHONE (212-37) 77 87 11
E-mail ghissassi@water.gov.ma
Alternative e-mail address:
E-mail ach@damtech.ma
Mozambique is located in East Coast of Southern Africa and bordered by South Africa and Swaziland on South, Tanzania on North, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi on West and by Indian Ocean on East.
The country has a total land area of 799,380 sq km comprising 786,380 sq km of land and 13,000 sq km of water. It has a coastline estimated of 2,800 km. The total population of the country is about 21 million with an average density of 26 inhabitants per sq km.
The water resources management institutions according to the river basins are:
ARA-Zambezi (corresponds to the Zambezi river basin), ARA-Sul (includes all the basins south of the Save, and the Save river basin itself), ARA-Centro (covers all the basins between the Save and Zambezi basins), ARA-Centro-Norte (covers the zambezi basin as far as Lúrio river, including the Lurio basin), ARA-Norte (covers all the basin north of the Lurio basin).
These ARAs are responsible for water management in their designated area of operation and each has subdivisions in form of River Basin Management Units (RBMUs). The principle infrastructures development and management at river basin is the responsibility of ARAs.
Hydropower and Dams development
There are 11 large dams in operation: Pequenos Libombos, Corumana, Macarretane, Massingir, Mavúzi, Chicamba, Cahora Bassa, Nampula, Messica, Nacala and Locumué. The largest hydropower dam operating in Mozambique is Cahora Bassa with installed hydro capacity of 2,075MW.
The Corumana Dam is under bid process for rehabilitation and Nacala dam is in the final stage of the rehabilitation.
Planed Hydropower Dams: Mphanda Nkuwa (1500MW), Central Norte Cahora Bassa (1250MW), Lupata (600MW), Buzi – Miracuene (300MW), Boroma (200MW), Pungoé – Pávua (150MW), Pungoé – Bué Maria (80MW).
Planed Storage Dams: Mapai (6.370 Mm), Bué Maria (987 Mm³), Moamba Major (600 Mm³), Nhacangara (200 Mm³), Sanhute (29.4 Mm³), Chipembe (24 Mm³), Movene (20 Mm³).
Nacala Dam Rehabilitation Project
The project for the rehabilitation of the Nacala Dam aims to increase the availability of water to supply to Nacala city as well as ensure the safety of the dam. With the achievement of these objectives, it is expected to increase the carrying capacity of the reservoir from 4.2 Mm³ to 6.6 Mm³ and to ensure 25.000m³/day water availability to supply Nacala city.
Mozambican Commission on Dams (CMB/MozCOD)
The MozCOD mission is to provide local interaction between interested participants in the dam industry in Mozambique and abroad and give advice and promote support for the use of best practices in dam engineering.
President, Carlos Bonete Martinho
Secretary General, Elias Baptista
E-mail mozambique.c.dams@hotmail.com
Monsieur Bachir OUSSEINI
Comité des Grands Barrages du Niger
PHONE 227 93 93 75 53
E-mail bachousseini@yahoo.fr
Mambilla Dam is a major dam. To generate 3000MW is now in progress. Tender documents are to be ready soon to enable commencement of construction in 2013. Low water level and maintenance issues are the main problems experienced in the main hydropower dams of Kainji, Jebba and Shiroro. Zungeru dam and the Second phase of Gurara construction are to commence soon. Under the National Independence Power Project (NIPP), the Federal Government is to build 10 thermal plants plus transmission lines and substations. Exploitation of other sources of energy namely; coal, biomass & nuclear.
President, Nigerian Committee on Large Dams
FAX (234-9) 234 23 24
PHONE (234-9) 234 23 24
E-mail ekpoimo@yahoo.com
SANCOLD has restructured and consolidated her National Committee in terms of Membership and various local matters - Newsletters and Website. The Committee has representation in ten of ICOLD's 26 committees. A biennial conference on management and design of dams in Africa was organized in Johannesburg, South Africa from 8-10 November, 2011 with attendance from several African countries.
The following dams are under construction or rehabilitation.
- Construction of the 38m high spring groove composite RCC gravity/earthfill dam near Durban.
- 70m high Metolong Dam in Lesotho.
- Rehabilitation of the 28m high composite Gravity outlet works and Earthfill Elands drift Barrage has commenced.
- Plans are in advanced stage for the raising and rehabilitation of the Concrete Gravity Clanwilliam Dam, raising of the composite earthfill concrete gravity Tzaneen Dam, raising of the Hazelmere dam and construction of the Namibia earthfill dam as well as the 165m high CFRD Polihali dam in Lesotho.
Secretary, SANCOLD
FAX (27-12) 336 8561
PHONE (27-12) 460 9100
Website www.sancold.org.za
E-mail secretary@sancold.org.za
Mr. Yousif Fadlalla AHMED
Secretary, Sudanese Commitee On Large Dams
PHONE +249 11 77 38 38
E-mail damssd@sudanmail.net
Monsieur Naceur ZEHRI
Président, Comité Tunisien des Grands Barrages
FAX (216-71) 79 94 57
PHONE (216-71) 78 10 35
E-mail etudes.gtz@gnet.tn
Mr. Masiye MWALE
Secretary, Zambia Committee on Large Dams
FAX (260-211) 22 39 71
PHONE (260-211) 22 39 71
Website www.zesco.co.zm
E-mail mmwale@zesco.co.zm
There are two major sources of electricity- hydro (about 60%) and thermal (about 40%). Kariba dams major source of hydropower is being up rated with the addition of two 150MW units. This is scheduled for completion in 2051. Two hydro projects within Zimbabwe have been identified, Gokwe and Mtirkwi. Funding is the problem.
Secretary, Zimbabwe Committee on Large Dams
FAX (263-4) 70 07 32
PHONE (263-4) 79 53 25
E-mail rwodzi@mweb.co.zw
Alternative e-mail address:
E-mail brungano@zimwa.co.zw