The ARC invites all National Committees in the ICOLD Africa Zone to become a member.
Each new member wishing to join is to apply in writing to the ARC Secretary.
The ARC shall be managed by an Executive Board comprising a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. Their services shall be provided on a no-cost basis.
The Chairperson shall be the current ICOLD Vice-President Africa Zone, and the term of the Office Bearers shall coincide with the Vice-President's three year term.
The Vice-Chairperson shall be a Chairperson of an African National Committee of ICOLD.
The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected during the ARC meeting in the year following the election of the Vice President of ICOLD for the African Zone and will have a three-year term of office.
The Secretary and administrative support services (minimal expected) shall be provided by the National Committee of the current ICOLD Vice-President African Zone.
The ARC does not charge a membership fee.
The ARC has no financial assets.
The ARC has no employees and makes no payment for any services provided by its members.
The Office Bearers of the ARC and Members shall meet at least once per year of which one will be held during the Annual Meeting of ICOLD.
The Chairperson is to arrange, in consultation with the Secretary, for the preparation and distribution of an Agenda, recording and issue of the Minutes and booking of a conference room.