Families of graphs

Here are two simple applets illustrating the concept of "family of graphs", eg. illustrating the effect of parameters like "a" and "b" on the the form of the graph of y = ax+b. Click on the sliders to see what happens!

Compare Excel and Java
Compare this with a similar Excel activity I designed:
Excel graph


Here is another applet, which allows you to change the domain and range, and also to change the formula in the input box at the bottom, e.g. change it to k*cos(x). Try it!

We need not display the graph in the text, but can launch it from a button as illustrated below. I have made changes from the previous for the sake of showing what features are changeable. Note that the mouse actions are active and note especially the drop-down menu at the top of the applet - click the down-arrow to select from several functions. Try it!

Intro SimpleGraph FamiliesOfGraphs MultiGraph Animation Parametric Tangent Derivatives ScatterPlot Calculator