
4.5 The reflective property of the ellipse

The reflective property of the ellipse is one of its most useful properties.

Analyse the equal angles in the applet …

How would you describe the reflective property?

How does this compare with the reflection of light in a mirror, where we know that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection?

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In the above applet, the pink line is a tangent to the ellipse. But how do we prove that it is a tangent?

Here is the beginning of a proof: Assume it is not tangent, but that the line cuts the ellipse in another point Q. Draw the lines as shown.

So if Q is a point on the ellipse, it must satisfy the definition of the ellipse, i.e. F1Q + F2Q = F1P + F2P.
In the applet, drag point Q – when is
F1Q + F2Q = F1P + F2P?

You should notice from the measurements that
F1Q + F2Q > F1P + F2P, except when Q falls on P.

Prove that F1Q + F2Q > F1P + F2P.

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Click here to see a proof:   

The tangent can be used to construct an ellipse as an envelope of tangents, just like we constructed the parabola as an envelope.

In the applet, click on “Show envelope” ...
Drag F1 and F2 and reflect on what you see!

Beautiful is it not!?

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