The hyperbola
Exploring the hyperbola
Open the Exploring the hyperbola applet:
The construction of
the hyperbola is exactly as for the ellipse, as shown when the applet
Now drag F2
outside the circle. What do you observe, what happens?
Drag or animate point S on the circle and watch P trace the path of the locus …
Note: the extra blue lines are in fact the asymptotes
of the hyperbola. It is drawn due to a limitation in most software programs
which connects the endpoints of the arms of the hyperbola.
Drag F2
to different positions outside the circle … Note that |F1P
– F2P| remains constant.
Now drag F1,
changing the size of the circle – why does the value of |F1P
– F2P| change?
Can you explain why:
if F2 is inside the circle the locus is an ellipse, but
- if
F2 is outside the circle, the locus is an hyperbola.
- What if
F2 is on the circle?
We have already proven that for the ellipse, the construction gives F1P
+ F2P = r = constant.
Now prove that if F2 is outside the circle, then F2P
– F1P = r = constant.
Click here to see
a proof:
We define the locus of all points P such that F2P
– F1P is constant as an hyperbola.
Tangents to the hyperbola
Click “Show
angles”, and note that the hyperbola has the same reflective property
as the parabola and the ellipse, i.e. the pink line is a tangent to the
hyperbola at P.
The hyperbola as an envelope
We can form the hyperbola an envelope of tangents, as we have seen for the parabola and the ellipse.
Click on “Show tangents”. Drag F1 and F2
and reflect on what you see!
When is the locus an ellipse, when an hyperbola,
when a circle? Beautiful is it not!?