gens Aelia, a plebeian family, flourished from the fifth century BC. Among its various branches the
cognomen Bala frequently features on republican coins - the moneyer above is not otherwise known. Various control-marks of agricultural nature (i.e. fly, duck, plough, scorpion, crab, frog, corn-ear and grashopper) distinguish his coinage. This
denarius probably alludes to the annual Roman festival held in honour of Aventine
Diana, at which torch races took place.
Obv. Diademed head of Diana facing right, wearing necklace, with hair rolled and falling in locks down her neck, behind BALA printed downward, control-mark below chin.
Rev. Diana holding a torch and a spear, quiver on her back, driving a biga of stags, below a grasshopper, C. ALLI in ex., laurel-wreath border.