The patrician gens Postumia was one of the most ancient Roman families. Distinguished branches included that of Albus and Tubertus. Among the famous members of the Postumii were Publius Postumius Tubertus, the first to obtain the consulship in 505 BC, and the haruspex Postumius, who had predicted Sulla's success in the battle against the Samnites.
Moneyers of the
gens Postumia frequently portrayed the bust of
Diana on the obverse. The type was associated with victory and appears from the 90s BC on - it alludes to a sacrifice made to Diana when Rome became the capital. The type also commemorates the victory of the battle at Lake Regillus (c. 496 BC) when the ancestor of the Postumii, Albus Postumius (dictator 498 BC), was consul. The reverse type displays the attributes of Diana - a hound and a spear.
Obv. Bust of Diana, draped, hair drawn back, tied in knot behind, bow and quiver at shoulder.
Rev. Running hound with collar, hunting spear below, C. POSTVMI, monogram A in exergue.