IUPAC logo Polychar22
World Forum on Advanced Materials
April 2014, STIAS Research Centre, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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Stias Stellenbosch view Polymer Science


The POLYCHAR Scientific Committee

Chairman: Prof PE Mallon

Local Organizing and Programme Committee

Prof PE Mallon (University of Stellenbosch, SA), pemallon@sun.ac.za
Prof H Pasch (University of Stellenbosch, SA), hpasch@sun.ac.za
Prof AJ van Reenen (University of Stellenbosch, SA), ajvr@sun.ac.za
Prof B Klumperman (University of Stellenbosch, SA), bklump@sun.ac.za
Aneli Fourie (University of Stellenbosch, SA), aef2@sun.ac.za

Scientific Committee

President of POLYCHAR
Witold Brostow (University of North Texas, USA), brostow@unt.edu
Vice Presidents:
Michael Hess (Chosun University, Korea), hess_iupac@yahoo.de
Byang-Wook Jo (Chosun University, Korea), joon@Chosun.ac.kr
Elisabete Lucas (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), elucas@ima.ufrj.br
Jean-Marc Saiter (University of Rouen, France), jean-marc.saiter@univ-rouen.fr

Holger Schönherr (University of Siegen, Germany), schoenherr@chemie.uni-siegen.de
Valerio Causin (Padua University, Italy), valerio.causin@unipd.it
Suprakas Ray (CSIR, South Africa), rsuprakas@csir.co.za
Jaisong He (Chinese Academy of Science, China), hejs@iccas.ac.cn
Dhanjay Jhurry (University of Mauritius, Mauritius), djhurry@uom.ac.mu
Andrew Wittaker (University of Queensland, Australia), a.whittaker@uq.edu.au
Riaan Luyt (University of the Free State, South Africa), Luytas@qwa.ufs.ac.za
Mehrdad Negahban (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), mnegahban@unl.edu
Rameshwar Adhikari (Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu), nepalpolymer@yahoo.com
Poonam Tandon (University of Lucknow, India), poonam_tandon@hotmail.com
Shigeru Okamoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan), okamoto.shigeru@nitech.ac.jp
Snja Lucic Blagojevic (Kovacevic), slucic@fkit.hr
Masaru Matsuo Dalian (University of Technology, China), mm-matsuo@live.jp


The POLYCHAR Prize Committee chaired by the distinguished members of the Scientific Committee usually awards the outstanding presentations in either oral or poster format.

There are two categories of Prizes:

1. Prizes awarded before the conference:
Paul J. Flory Polymer Research Prize (up to 3 per year)
International POLYCHAR Materials Science Prize (up to 3 per year)

2. Prizes awarded at the conference:
Bruce Hartmann Prize for Young Scientist (up to age 35, 1 year)
Jürgen Springer Prize for a Young Scientist (up to age 35, 1 year)
Carl Klason prize for the Best Student Paper (First prize, Second Prize, Thrid Prize, per year)
IUPAC Prize for a Student Poster (3 per year)
Diplomas of Distinction for Student Papers (up to 4 per year)

POLYCHAR Prize Commmittee

Prize Chairman: Jean-Jacques Pireaux (University of Namur, Belgium), jean-jacques.pireaux@unamur.be