IUPAC logo Polychar22
World Forum on Advanced Materials
7-11 April 2014, STIAS Research Centre, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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Stias Stellenbosch view Polymer Science


Dear Participants

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to warmly welcome you to POLYCHAR 22: World Forum on Advanced Materials Short Course and Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa 2014.

This conference is organized by the University of Stellenbosch on behalf of the POLYCHAR organisation, with the aim of disseminating knowledge amongst researchers, students and academics. We are proud to host the first version of this important international conferences series to be held on the African continent. The conference will hopefully reflect the philosophy of POLYCHAR conferences and provide a forum for all participants to present their novel results as well as provice an opportunity for students and young scientists to meet and interact with established, well-known scientists. We have put together a stimulating scientific programme. In addition, it is our hope that you have the opportunity to enjoy the town of Stellenbosch and the beautiful surroundings of the Western Cape. Shoul you require any information or assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us.

We take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the Conference Advisory Committee, Programme Committee, the Session Chairs, the reviewers, and the volunteers for their great efforts to make this conference possible. We are very grateful for the financial support of the conference by SASOL, Kansai Plascon and IUPAC.

Finally, we thank you for participating in the POLYCHAR 22 Conference 2014, and hope you will have a successful week of conferencing and enjoy your stay in Stellenbosch.

Prof Peter Mallon: Conference Chairman