Events 2008
Instelling van die “Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache”
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On Wednesday 3 December 2008 the Cape Town/Stellenbosch branch of the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache ( was formed at a meeting held at the Deutsche Internationale Schule Kapstadt. The highlight of the evening was a very informative and entertaining lecture by the renowned German linguist Professor Armin Burkhardt from the University of Magdeburg who spoke about the language of football from the introduction of the game in Germany in the middle of the 19th century - which was then still very much like rugby - to the present language used by football fans in the German-speaking countries. Professor Burkhardt who himself is an avid football supporter of his home town club Eintracht Braunschweig, has published widely on German linguistics and language philosophy, he specializes in the language of sport and politics and has produced a number of dictionaries, one of his latest being a dictionary of football language. As a member of the executive of the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache, Professor Burkhardt is also responsible for founding new branches outside of Germany, and the Cape Town/Stellenbosch branch of the GfdS is now the third one in Southern Africa. At the meeting Dr Rolf Annas, senior lecturer in German at the department of Modern Foreign Languages was elected as Chairman of the new branch. Anyone who is interested to promote the German language or wishes to be informed about its development and use is welcome to join the GfdS. Send an e-mail to join. |
Voorlesing deur Christoph Ransmayr
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Bekende Oostenrykse skrywer Christoph Ransmayr het ‘n voorlesing aangebied uit sy jongste roman “Der fliegende Berg” op Vrydag 17 Oktober 2008, om 18:00 in JC de Wetsaal, Ou Hoofgebou, Universiteit Stellenbosch. Ransmayr, wat vir verskeie pryse benoem is, het internasionaal bekendheid verwerf vir sy roman “Die letzte Welt” (in Engels as “The Last World” verskyn). Dié funksie is aangebied deur die Oostenrykse Konsul-Generaal sowel as die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale en die Internasionale Kantoor. Die voorlesing was in Duits. |
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Op die foto verskyn van links na regs: Dr. Annas (Afdeling: Duits), Prof. Arnold van Zyl (Vise-Rektor: Navorsing), Ingrid Köhn-Dursy (Oostenrykse Konsul-Generaal) en Oostenrykse skrywer Christoph Ransmayr. |
MPhil graduates smile all the way ...
If you've ever seen a happier group of ex-students let us know. The photograph was taken at the March 2008 graduation ceremony and from the left are Avril Crouch (educator), Renate du Toit, Cecil Ekron (wordsmith), Julia Kuhlenkampff (the French chef), Nanda Klapwijk (training consultant), Lucky Ditaunyane (FET Curriculum manager, DoEFS) and Lesley Bergman. Nicci Rousseau could unfortunately not attend the ceremony.
Chinese Bridge Competition 2008
The China Bridge competition, in its seventh year in South Africa, is an initiative aimed at promoting the understanding of Chinese language and culture and testing Chinese language proficiency of Mandarin students. The theme this year is “Olympic Fervour”.
Third-Year Students visit German Home for the Aged
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On Friday 14 March third-year German students visited the St. Johannis Heim in Parow where they talked to residents about their life experiences. The visit is the culmination of a course on "Deutsche in der Fremde" (Germans in foreign places) in which students learnt about German migration to America and Africa. The course covered migration patterns, reasons for emigration, integration into a new society and life stories of Germans living outside of Europe. The St. Johannis Heim, built in 1981, is a home for the aged which offers frail and high care facilities for 70 persons, and the adjoining St Johannis Heim Gardens, built in 1999, is a retirement village with 52 cottages. The photos show students interacting with some of the residents. |
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French Attaché visits Department
On March 12th, Mr Philippe Aldon, the French Attaché for the Promotion of French at the Embassy of France (Johannesburg Office) visited our Department.
It was Mr Aldon's first visit and he took this opportunity to meet with Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan (Chair of our Department), Prof. Marianna Visser, (Vice-Dean for Languages) and the three permanent members of staff in the French section : Dr Catherine du Toit, Ms Johanna Steyn and Dr Eric Levéel.
Mr Aldon discussed ongoing cooperation projects with our department but also future plans for the promotion of French within the French section. Mr Aldon, who also a guest of the International Office, also met with Ms Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh, its Acting Director, to discuss the expansion of academic and student exchanges with France and Francophone countries and other future projects with the University of Stellenbosch.
To conclude his visit, Mr Aldon did a presentation in French on the Embassy of France's Cooperation Policy and Priorities for the benefit of all the staff in the French section (permanent and temporary) and to inform senior students about bursaries and assistance provided by the Governement of France. The Embassy of France in South Africa, through Mr Aldon's Office, supports the French section in various ways : undergraduate bursaries, long-study bursaries in France for top post-graduate students, a French interns programme (see our internship section), and a generous yearly subsidy towards teaching and academic resources.
The Department of Modern Foreign Languages, and the French section in particular, is grateful to receive such assistance from the Embassy of France and was delighted to welcome Mr Aldon on this one-day highly productive visit.
Austrian Book Donation
On 3 March 2008 the Austrian Consul General, Mrs Ingrid Köhn-Dursy, presented a book donation to the German literature holdings of the JS Gericke Library. The event was attended by lecturers and students of German, as well as by Ms Ellen Tise, Senior Director, Library and Information Services and Prof. Hennie Kotzé, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Both stressed the importance of international support which is especially appreciated in the face of limited resources.
The donation includes approximately 100 books by important contemporary authors such as Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek as well as novels by Marlene Streeruwitz, Gerhard Roth, Joseph Roth, Jean Améry and many others. Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan, Chair of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, thanked the Austrian Consul General on behalf of the German section for this most welcome donation, especially as many of the publications included were part of a wish list drawn up by postgraduate students of German who are currently writing their MA projects or doctoral dissertations in the field of Austrian literature.
Authors visit the Department
Karl-Heinz and Irmela Störzner visited Dr Rolf Annas on Monday 3 March to hand over copies of their autobiographies. The books will be read by German 318 and 328 students as part of their course on "Deutsche in der Fremde" - Germans in foreign countries.
Karl-Heinz, born in 1922, arrived in South Africa with his family in 1927 and spent parts of his life in Cape Town, Swakopmund and Windhoek from where he fled to Mozambique to escape from the police as he had broken the conditions of his house arrest. He hid on the roof of a train and swam through the crocodile-infested Inkomati River to reach Lourenco Marques (now Maputo) where he helped build the Paulana Hotel and in the evenings he worked as an announcer for LM Radio. Eventually he returned to South Africa, married, had children and remained involved in the construction industry. After his retirement and death of his wife he moved to the St. Johannis Heim retirement home where he met his second wife Irmela whom he married in December 2004. In her autobiography Irmela relates her experiences in Cape Town where she was born in 1925, married and raised a family and after the death of her husband moved to the St. Johannis Heim to start a new exciting phase of her life.
Chair visits Ethiopia
Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan attended the third part of the 1st International Deans’ Course in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from February 10th – 16th 2008 where she also presented a paper.
The course was jointly organized by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the University of Applied Sciences at Osnabrück (Germany), HRK (German Rectors’ Conference), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and Moi University (Kenya). The course explored issues detrimental to higher education such as university governance, quality and change management as well as the Bologna process and its significance for higher education in Africa. Delegates came from Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania and South East Asia.
New lecturers for Mandarin

Newly- appointed Mandarin lecturers, Wang Mei and Shang Tuo, arrived before classes started in January. They were both seconded by the Chinese government in accordance with an agreement reached a few years ago between the Chinese Ministry of Education and the SA National Department of Education.
Wang Mei comes from Xiamen University with which Stellenbosch University is partnered to establish the Confucius Institute. Shang Tuo is from South West Jiaotong University of China and has been appointed as Senior Lecturer.
Events 2007
China Month

Feedback presentation of the 2007 summer intensive language program in Beijing
The program has been running for three years since 2005. This year, we had 12 2nd and 3rd year students who participated in the program which gives them the opportunity to be trained in an authentic language environment and get authentic cultural exposure in China. The students all enjoyed their experience very much and appreciated the opportunity they had been given by both the univerisity and the program sponsor, Naspers.
Upon returning, we organized a feedback presentation on 16th August hosted by Chinese General Consulate Cape Town where our students had the opportunity to present their learning outcome to the Chinese government, the university and the Donor for the Mandarin program, Naspers. The feedback presentation went very successfully.
Chinese Bridge Language Proficiency Competition
The 6th session of Chinese Bridge Language Proficiency Competition was held In China from 3rd August to 13th August. Donavan JORDAN (318) and Francesca Gillian BENNETT (278) from our Mandarin section were selected as candidates from South Africa to participate in the final competition in China. They received a warm welcome from the Chinese government, the Chinese people and the local organizers and competed with the rest of the 102 candidates from all over the world. They were interviewed and published on the local newspaper (photo attached). We are very proud of them.
If you wish to learn more about this competition, please visit the website to find more information.
Winners of South African leg of Chinese Bridge Competition
Donovan Jordaan, third year Mandarin student, and Bennett Francesca, second year Mandarin student, are the South African winners of the preliminary competition of the 2007 Chinese Bridge Competition for Foreign College Students held at Unisa on 11 May 2007. Herewith they qualified for the semi-finals and finals to be held in Changchun City in China from Aug. 3 to 13, 2007. During their two-week stay in China all expenses will be covered by the Chinese government.
Although around 30 million students outside China are currently learning
Chinese as a foreign language, only about 100 of them have the opportunity
each year to move all the way to the finals through this competition.
Mandarin students attending two-week course in Beijing
Twelve students of Mandarin set off for Beijing on May 26 for a three-week intensive training course in Chinese language and culture. The program is mainly sponsored by Naspers but the International Office of the Stellenbosch University also provided some support. The group will be studying at Beijing Foreign Languages Studies University.
The training program started in 2005 and is currently in its third successive
year. All the students who previously participated in the program say
they benefited a lot from the training.
German eyewitness of Nazi-Germany Franz J. Müller talks to students and high school pupils
Franz Müller (in the middle, to the right his wife) with students and lecturers of the German section of the Department after his enthralling talk of his experiences in Nazi-Germany and his involvement in the Weiße Rose student movement. Mr Müller came as guest of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to open an exhibition on the White Rose Movement at the Holocaust Centre, Cape Town.
German best-selling author Peter Prange in Stellenbosch
Friday 30 March, German best-selling author Peter Prange was a guest at
the University of Stellenbosch. He had been invited by Prof. Carlotta
von Maltzan, Chair of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and president
of the Association for German Studies in Southern Africa (SAGV), to hold
a workshop for students and lecturers of the German section of the department.
About 20 students and lecturers attended the workshop. The topic of discussion was "beginnings". Students were given the opportunity to write their own "beginning" to a short story or novel. Prange, who had many useful tips, encouraged the lively participants to experiment creatively with their writing skills. His enthusiasm and expressive style of communication were inspiring. During the workshop, the important role that a "beginning" plays in a text became apparent. It is after all the beginning of a book which determines whether the reader will continue reading the entire book or not. At the same time, the beginning of a book is the key to the text itself.
Prange was born in 1955 in Altena. He studied Philosophy, German and French
literature. He was awarded his doctorate at Tübingen where he still
lives and has since become an internationally recognized name for literary
texts and non-fiction. He became well-known after the publication of his
novel Die Principessa and after his novel Das Bernstein-Amulet. Eine Familiengeschichte
in Deutschland ("The Amber Amulet") was adapted for television
as a two-part drama. In his novels, which deal with the themes of love,
death and passion, Prange links the fates of his protagonists to historical
and political events. More than 2 million copies of his works have been
sold, and his books have been translated into 15 languages.
After concluding a very successful workshop at the University of Stellenbosch, Prange was a guest at the 23rd Congress of the Association for German Studies in Southern Africa, held at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, where he read from his latest book "Werte".
Youth novel author Lutz van Dijk visits campus
Youth novel author Dr. Lutz van Dijk held a public reading on 2 March in the Arts and Social Sciences building from his book "A History of Africa" published in English for the first time by Tafelberg in 2006. The event was hosted by the German Section of the Department Modern Foreign Languages in conjunction with the Goethe Institute South Africa, and was attended by current and alumni students of the Department and the University, members of the public and about 30 pupils from Kayamandi High School who all were able to pose questions on a variety of topics.
Lutz van Dijk introduced his book as "African history told by African voices through the ages - from the shaping of the continent to early civilizations, from the times of European colonization to the 'long way to freedom' since 1945. It is a book for young people in "Africa and all over the world". Most of his books are about and for young people, written in German and translated into many other languages, including Afrikaans and isiXhosa.
The German-Dutch author has received several literary awards, among
them the Namibian Youth Literature Award (1997) and the German Gustav-Heinemann-Peace-Award
(2001). Besides Germany and the Netherlands, where he is on reading tours
twice a year, he has given readings in schools, libraries, bookshops and
with human rights groups in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, England,
Hungary, Italy, Poland and Spain, and in countries in Western and Southern
Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the USA.
Renowned for his fight against AIDS and for exploring topics such as sexual
diversity and problems associated with minority groups, he taught in Hamburg
and Amsterdam before making Cape Town his home in 2001. Here he became
a founding member and Co-Director of HOKISA (Homes for Kids in South Africa),
a South African NGO which cares for children affected and/or infected
by HIV/AIDS, a project close to his heart and which he spoke about subsequent
to the reading.
HOKISA was founded together with Karin Chubb, a senior lecturer at the
University of the Western Cape. The starting point for this project was
their findings and experiences when they attended the youth hearings of
the Truth & Reconciliation Commission resulting in book publication
"Between Anger and Hope" (2001). As HIV/AIDS is one of the biggest
problems facing the people of South Africa and the new democracy, both
decided to dedicate the royalties of their books on human rights and HIV/AIDS
to projects for children affected by this disease. Thus HOKISA came to
be, understood by Lutz van Dijk "as a concrete way to prevent HIV/AIDS
and to educate against the stigma and denial around the disease by setting
examples of care and honest communication." Run by volunteers who
are experienced in human rights work and community development projects
in South Africa, it is the aim of HOKISA "to empower members of poor
communities where HIV/AIDS is most devastating."
Lei Feng receives MPhil (Second Language Acquisition) at Stellenbosch University
At the December graduation of 2006 Lei Feng, a colleague in the Mandarin Section of the Department, received his MPhil in Second Language Acquisition from the University. Our warmest congratulations on this achievement!
Lei Feng publishes book
Lei Feng published a second book with stories on China.
Nuus 2006
Mandarin student awarded Chinese Government Scholarship for 2006
Our former 2nd year Mandarin student Elizabeth Berkhout (2004) was recently awarded a full scholarship to study Chinese language and culture on postgraduate level for the next three years at the Beijing People's University. Elizabeth was the first South African student selected from the Chinese Bridge Language Proficiency Preliminary Competition to participate in the finals of the competition in Beijing in 2003. She arrived last week in Beijing and will start her classes this week. We hope that she enjoys Beijing and sends us back good news of her studies.
Visiting Professor in German Section
Prof. Dr. Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Professor of German and Austrian literature at Lafayette College in the United-States was a visiting academic in the German section during the 3rd term of 2006.
She participated in the teaching and research activities of our Department and delivered two public lectures during her long working visit as well as an academic paper.
The first public lecture in German was entitled "Die Klavierspielerin von Elfriede Jelinek (1984) und die Filmadaptation La Pianiste von Michael Haneke (2001)" and the second lecture in English dealt with Towns, Spaces and Bridges on the Eastern borders of Germany and the new relationships established with their Polish and Czech neighbours.
Professor Lamb-Faffelberger also participated in the one-day Freud Symposium which took place on August 31st 2006 at the University of Stellenbosch Sasol Museum during which she delivered a paper entitled "Resisting Oedipus : Elfriede Jelinek and Sigmund Freud".
Freud Symposium
In commemoration of Sigmund Freud's birthday 150 years ago, the Department of Modern Foreign Languages in conjunction with the Austrian Consulate General hosted a symposium entitled "Working with Freud" at the Sasol Art Museum on 31 August 2006. | ![]() |
From left to right: Prof. Carlotta
von Maltzan, Prof. Mark Solms, Mrs Christine Kivinen (Austrian
Consul General), Prof. Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger |
Intensive Home-stay Language Training in China
Five of our Mandarin students departed on 23 June to Beijing University for 4-week intensive training, which is designed as a home-stay language and culture exposure project. The program started last year and it was quite successfully. Therfore, it was continued this year for another group of students who were the top students of their classes. By staying with Chinese families, experiencing authentic Chinese culture, the students are able to improve their language skills and communicative competence and are expected to have a better understanding of the Chinese people, culture and the language. The program was mainly sponsored by the media company Naspers with some additional support from the University.
Chinese Bridge Preliminary Competition
The 5th Chinese Bridge Preliminary Competition, a Chinese language
proficiency competition, was held on 17 May 2006 in the Fismer
Hall of the Conservatorium on the University of Stellenbosch
campus. The Chinese General Consular Mr. Wei Qiang Shi and the
Vice General Consular Ms. Gui zhi Tang from Cape Town, Prof.
Claassen (Vice Rector: Research), Mr. Robert Kotze from the
International Office and Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan from MFL
all gave presentations at the opening of the function. Among
the seven candidates were students from UNISA, UCT, US and the
Ms Mieke van der Vyver, from Stellenbosch University, one of
our third year Mandarin students, won the first prize by her
excellent speech and moving performance and was invited to attend
the final competition in Beijing in July this year.
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Participant in the Chinese Bridge Competition doing calligraphy |
Mieke van der Vyver, first prize winner, giving her performance |
Presentation of the prizes by the Chinese General Consular |
French Honours student meets Madiba
Fransch, a French Honours student in our Department this year,
is one of the 2006 Mandela Rhodes scholars who was chosen
by a panel of personalities from academia and the civil society.
Recipients of this prestigious scholarship were announced
last December. Another Matie has been chosen this year : Luzelle
Yon who also happens to be a former German student.
Scholars were chosen on criteria ranging from academic results
to leadership skills and community involvement. The aim of
this scholarship is to foster and develop future African leaders
in their respective fields of study.
On 31 January, all scholars, representing the SADC region
but all studying at South African Universities, were flown
for the day to Johannesburg to meet the Mandela Rhodes Foundation/Trust's
patron Mr Nelson Mandela during a televised get-together.
It was a joyful occasion to meet the great man in the flesh
who walked without his stick. Mr Mandela addressed all scholars
and guests and was then introduced to each recipient.
Chet is originally from the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe
so Mr Mandela decided to converse with him in SiNdebele ;
Chet's linguistic skills had to come to the fore and, despite
being very nervous, managed to get all his African greetings
and pleasantries right !
Chet has been a Matie since 2003, having previously studied
through UNISA. He received his B.A (Humanities) cum laude
in December, majoring in three subjects : French, History
and Psychology.
Johanna Steyn appointed as lecturer in French section
Johanna Steyn joined the Department in January as lecturer in French in the place of Natalie Heynderickx. She has a Master's degree in French from the University of Tours and worked as an interpreter at Parliament before joining. Johanna also studied drama at the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School in Paris.
Lei Feng publishes book
Lei Feng has published a book on Chinese history and culture called "Magic Brush". "It's a bit like Harry Potter in China", his students say.
Nuus 2005
Public lecture by Dr. Rosalia BIVONA (University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) and (University of Palermo (Italy)) on 30 September 2005
On September 30th 2005, Dr. Rosalia Bivona delivered a public
lecture entitled :
"Babel cocasse.
Le cas de Fouad Laroui". (.pdf file - 180 KB)
Dr Bivona examined multilingualism in a Moroccan context by analysing several novels from Moroccan writer, poet and journalist Fouad Laroui. She also gave some mind-provoking and humourous insights on the difficulty of translating literary works. She also descripted the dilemmas faced by translators when confronted with cultural transfers and specific idioms in this difficult exercise.
The lecture was followed by an interesting and lively discussion between the presenter and the audience.
All our thanks to Ms Ludivine Huet-Haupt, head of the French section at the University of the Western Cape, who organised Dr Bivona's series of lectures in the Western Cape.
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan on 10 August 2005
Professor Carlotta von Maltzan held her inaugural lecture on the Nobel Laureate for Literature for 2004 on 10 August 2005 in the Jannasch Hall. The title of her lecture was "Regarding the Case of Elfriede Jelinek".
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammon (University of Duisburg-Essen) gave a public lecture on 4 August 2005
Professor Dr Ulrich Ammon spoke on "Die internationale Stellung der deutschen Sprache".
Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan in Beijing for the World Chinese Conference (22-24 July 2005)
On invitation of the Chinese government Professor Carlotta von Maltzan attended the World Chinese Conference in Beijing. At the same time Mrs Amy Yu participated in the VIII International Seminar on Teaching Chinese, also in Beijing.
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The South African delegation
at the World Chinese Conference in Beijing (from left
to right): Lucy H Moyane (Dept. of Education, Pretoria), Ronald Swart (Western Cape Education Dept.), Carlotta von Maltzan (Stellenbosch University) |
![]() Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan in front of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with two conference assistant |
Anna Cramer-Mehnert
(Senatsverwaltung, Berlin) and Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan
(Stellenbosch University) attend the World Chinese Conference
(20 - 22 July 2005) in Beijing |
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Amy Yu and Prof. Carlotta von Maltzan in the gardens at Peking University, 26 July 2005 |
Prof. Carlotta von
Maltzan visits the Forbidden City |
Prof. Carlotta von
Maltzan with the Great Wall in the background |
Preliminary round of 4th “Chinese Bridge” Competition held on 26 May 2005
The preliminary round of the fourth “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Competition for Foreign College Students was held at the Fismer Hall in Stellenbosch on 26 May 2005.
Guests who attended the competition include Mr Shi Weiqiang, Consul General of Chinese Consulate General in Cape Town; Ms Yu Hong, the vice-Consul General; Mr Wei Yanggen, head of the education section of the Chinese Embassy in Pretoria; Professor Walter Claassen, vice-rector of the University of Stellenbosch; Professor Carlotta von Maltzan, chair of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Ms Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh, assistant director of the International Office.
competition was divided into three parts: a writing test,
a prepared speech on the theme "China - a land of spectacular
beauty", and a prepared performance of Chinese Cultural Skills.
Five contestants from US, UNISA and UCT competed for two hours and finally a second-year Mandarin student from the University of Stellenbosch, was declared the winner. Second place was taken by a student from UCT. They will both attend the final competition to be held in Beijing this July and their visit will be fully sponsored by the Chinese Government.
Each year, about 100 college students selected from all over the world gather in Beijing to compete in the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Competition. This is only the third year that South African students have been selected for the finals.
This annual event, together with the newly-established Centre for Chinese Studies, not only promotes research and the teaching of Chinese at the US, but it also builds a “bridge” of friendship between China and South Africa.
Prof. Jim McNab (University of North Carolina, Wilmington) gave a public lecture on 11 May 2005
Professor Jim McNab, Professor of French at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington spoke on 11 May 2005 on the topic "1918: The Crisis of Aesthetic Representation in France."
The euphoria that accompanied the Armistice of 1918 did not last long. In his curious novel Recherche, the future psychologist Jean Piaget is just one of many writers to associate adolescence with anxiety or Angst. Likewise a pattern of similarity links writers such as Jane Cals, André Obey and Louis Chadourne who are no longer read today, but who convey the sense of radical alienation that came to haunt most of the 20th century. Painters too - Claude Monet among others - tried to come to terms with the terrible sense of estrangement induced by World War One.
Prof. John Noyes (University of Toronto) gave a public lecture on 28 April 2005
Professor John Noyes (University of Toronto) spoke on “Odysseus at the Mast (America at the Helm). Territory, and the Idea of Human Nature.”
In his talk John Noyes used the image of Odysseus to ask how we might evaluate the idea of human nature, self-restraint and violence in an age of US global hegemony. Who owns the technology of destruction? Who owns the idea of human nature? Placing these questions at the center of the current global conflict allows us to understand what is at stake in the so-called war against so-called terrorism. The ownership of technologies of destruction today is inextricably bound to the idea of human nature, and it recasts the boundary between nature and freedom along lines of ownership.
Prof. Anil Bhatti (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) gave a public lecture on 4 April 2005
Prof. Anil Bhatti held a public lecture on the 4th of April on the topic "Culture and Diversity. Postcolonial Reflections".
Anil Bhatti is Professor at the Centre of German Studies, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. After studying Germanistik, Political Sciences and Philosophy he obtained his doctorate from the Ludwig Maximilian Universität München with a dissertation on Clemens Brentano und die Barocktradition. He joined the Centre of German Studies, of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 1971 and was appointed Professor in 1983. He has published widely in Comparative Culture Studies between Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and India/Asia; German Literature (19th & 20th Century), Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.
SAGV Congress held in Stellenbosch
Conference on German Studies
From 31 March until 2 April a total 68 lecturers in German
from South Africa and 15 other countries met on the campus
of the University of Stellenbosch for the 22nd Conference
of the Association of German Studies in Southern Africa (SAGV).
The topic of the conference was "Literature and language -
transnational?" Participants from as far as Germany, Switzerland,
France, Canada, Algeria, Senegal and Romania attended. Within
2½ days 56 papers and workshops from the fields of German
language, literature and culture as well as on the didactics
of foreign language teaching were presented.
The President of the SAGV, Professor Carlotta von Maltzan officially opened the congress together with the Vice-Rector (Research) of the University of Stellenbosch, Prof Walter Claassen, the German Ambassador, Mr Harro Adt, and the Austrian Consul-General, Mrs Christine Kivinen. Prof Anil Bhatti from New Delhi/India delivered the opening address. His paper dealt with the topic of "National philologies, cultural homogenization and post-colonial discourse".
Three staff members of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages presented papers: Prof Carlotta von Maltzan spoke about the Nobel Prize winner Elfriede Jelinek, Mrs Isabel dos Santos on the Austrian writer Joseph Roth and Mrs Renate du Toit on German as a foreign language and the NQF in South Africa.
On the afternoon of the first day the 22nd General Meeting of the Association took place. At this meeting the new executive committee was elected and a motion was passed to authorize the new executive to work towards the creation of an African Association for German Studies. Professor von Maltzan was elected as president of the association for a further period of four years, and Dr Rolf Annas for a second term as secretary.
The next conference of the SAGV will take place in Johannesburg in 2007.
Participants at the SAGV-Conference (left to right) Professor Carlotta von Maltzan, President of the SAGV, Dr. Rolf Annas (Secretary ), Ms Isabel dos Santos (Stellenbosch), Dr. Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff (Frankfurt am Main), Dr. Gina Weinkauff (Heidelberg).
Dr. Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff (Goethe-University, Frankfurt) gave a public lecture on 18 March 2005
The German section of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages hosted Dr. Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff from the Goethe-University of Frankfurt on the 18th of March 2005. The topic of hislecture was „Moderne Märchen im Bilderbuch“.
Nuus 2004
Arnold Blumer passed away suddently on the 4th of July 2004
Visit by Professor Ernest WB Hess-Lüttich
Rainer Kussler retires
On 31 March 2004 Rainer Kussler retired as Professor in German after being associated with this Department (first German, then Modern Foreign Languages) for a period of more than 40 years. Between 1963 and 1969 Rainer Kussler was a student in our department, first completing his BA with a distinction in German, then Honours and MA, both of which he obtained cum laude. In 1969 he was awarded the DLitt-degree on the dissertation "Das Abschiedsmotiv in der deutschen Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts".
In the same year, he became lecturer in German, two years later senior lecturer and in 1973, at the age of 29, he was appointed Professor and Head of the German Department. When the departments of German and French amalgamated at the beginning of 1998, Rainer Kussler became Chairman of the new Department of Modern Foreign Languages, a position he held until 2001. From April 2002 until his retirement at the end of March 2004, he was seconded to the University of Kassel as DAAD-Comenius Professor of German as a Foreign Language.
In 1997 Rainer Kussler introduced the MPhil-programme
in Hypermedia for Language Learning, thereby substantially
increasing the number of postgraduate students in the Department.
During his retirement, he will spend time following up his
interests in literature and in computer assisted language
Visit by Professor Ernest WB Hess-Lüttich
Professor Dr. Dr. Ernest WB Hess-Lüttich
of the Institut für Germanistik at the University of
Bern in Switzerland is visiting the Department from 16 February
until 12 March with a grant of the DAAD. He is presenting
lectures on German language and literature: "Deutsche
Sprache und Kultur der Gegenwart" to first year students
and "Interkulturalität und Fremde in Literatur und
Alltag" to third year students.
Nuus 2003
Visit by Professor Andreas Kelletat
Visit by Professor Karl-Heinz Stoll
Dr. Michaela Holdenried appointed as temporary German lecturer
Visit by Professor Andreas Kelletat
Professor Andreas Kelletat from the Department
of Intercultural Communication at the Fachbereich Angewandte
Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Germersheim, University of
Mainz visited the Department from 18 to 19 March. He presented
two papers to staff and students of the department:
"Deutsch contra Englisch und Französisch. Zum Sprachenstreit
in der Europäischen Union"
"Where does Santa Claus come from? 2000 years of European
cultural history"
Visit by Professor Karl-Heinz Stoll
Professor Karl-Heinz Stoll of the Fachbereich Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Germersheim at the University of Mainz visited the Department from 17 February until 14 March with a grant of the DAAD. He presented lectures on German language and literature to second and third year students.
Temporary lecturer in German appointed
Dr Michaela Holdenried from the Free University Berlin was appointed as temporary lecturer in German until 15 September 2003.
Nuus 2002
Extended sponsorship of the Mandarin programme
Visiting lecturer and researcher on a DAAD grant.
Kussler takes up chair in Kassel
Extended sponsorship of the Mandarin programme
The MIH Group has extended its sponsorship of the Mandarin programme at the department for another five years until at least the end of 2007. Ms Amy Yu, the lecturer in Mandarin, had agreed to stay on in her present post.
Visiting lecturer and researcher on a DAAD grant.
From 15 September until 15 November Dr. Michaela Holdenried (Berlin) visted the department as visiting lecturer and researcher on a DAAD grant. She presented courses on modern German literature to first- and third-year students. Dr. Holdenried has published widely in the field of the autobiographical novel and has recently completed her second doctoral dissertation (Habilitation).
Kussler takes up chair in Kassel
The German Academic Exchange Service [GAES] and the University of Kassel will establish a chair in German as a Foreign Language from 1 April 2001. The four-year temporary position will be filled by two professors for two years each. Prof Rainer Kussler of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages has been appointed for the first two-year term. The chair is the first one in German as a Foreign Language to be supported under the GAES "Programm zur Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen". It will be known as "Comenius Chair in German as a Foreign Language" (Comenius was a 17th century Czech educator who is regarded as one of the founders of modern language padagogy). The Department of German as a Foreign Language at Kassel University is a postgraduate department only (as far as is known, the only one worldwide). With about 70% international students (and alumni in 42 countries) it is the university department with the highest proportion of foreign students in Germany. Prof Kussler's commission in Kassel will include furthering internationalisation and establishing 'new media' in the Department's teaching programmes. The University of Stellenbosch has granted leave without pay to prof Kussler to enable him to accept the appointment. As, according to the rules of USAF, he will have to retire after the two years in Kassel, his chair in German as a Foreign Language at Stellenbosch University is currently being advertised.
Nuus 2001
Goethe-Institute Seminar on Foreign Language Learning big success
Prof Kussler appointed to WorldCALL 2003 Steering Committee
External Evaluation
On 28 and 29 August 2001, the Department undergoes its first external evaluation since its inception in 1998. All academic departments at Stellenbosch University are subjected to this process in regular intervals. Prof Frank Königs (University of Marburg in Germany) and Prof Klaus von Delft (University of the Free State) are the experts invited do complete the task.

Visit of Prof Frank Königs
Frank Königs, professor of "Allgemeine Didaktik und Sprachlehrforschung" and Director of the "Informationszentrums für Fremdsprachenforschung" [ifs] at Marburg University in Germany is visiting the Department from 14 - 30 August 2001.
His visit has been kindly sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD]. Prof Königs is holding workshops on various aspects of foreign language instruction for the staff and students of the Department. He is also one of the two experts invited to do an independent external evaluation of the Department.
French donate again
The French Government, through its Embassy in South Africa, has again donated R15,000 this year to our French section. Merci beaucoup, France!
Goethe-Institute Seminar on Foreign Language Learning big success
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Department of Modern Foreign Languages der Universität Stellenbosch bot das Goethe-Institut vom 29. bis 31. Januar 2000 ein Seminar an über Fremdsprachenlernen und -lehren: online und autonom[Referent: Dr. Bernd Kast, Goethe-Institut München]
Das überaus heterogene Publikum (vorwiegend Novizen) wurde vorzüglich bedient. Sowohl die Computerkundigen als auch die weniger Versierten kamen voll auf ihre Kosten. Erstere erhielten eine Fülle neuer Anregungen und wurden kompetent beraten, Letztere bekamen darüber hinaus, ganz nebenbei, eine kleine Einführung in den Umgang mit Neuen Medien.
Der Wechsel von Vortrag, Präsentation und Vorführung einerseits und praktischer Erprobung mit individueller Betreuung andererseits garantierte anhaltendes Interesse und den Zusammenhalt der Gruppe. Besonderen Eindruck machte der Videofilm "Redaktion D", von dem sechs Folgen, über die drei Tage verteilt, gezeigt wurden. Die restlichen Folgen sollen, sobald sie hier eingehen, in einer Folgesitzung "genossen" werden. Das Department of Modern Foreign Languages wird die Möglichkeit, "Redaktion D" im Unterricht einzusetzen, ernsthaft prüfen. Ein rundum gelungenes Seminar, in dem die Arbeit des Goethe-Instituts im Bereich der Neuen Medien souverän und eindrucksvoll vorgestellt wurde!
Danke Bernd! Danke Stefan! Danke GI!
Nuus 2000
Books donated by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: photo!
MIH extends sponsorship for Mandarin and donates generously
French Embassy supports French section
Well-known German scholar visiting Department
Department receives book donation from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
A specialized selection of 75 books on foreign language teaching and research was donated to the Department by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DFG].
The donation is the result of an initiative taken by Prof Frank Königs, University of Marburg in Germany, after a visit to the Department last year.
Welcoming the addition to the seminar library are [from left]:
Walter Köppe, Catherine du Toit, Rolf Annas, Rainer Kussler,
Renate du Toit & Nathalie Heynderickx
MIH Group
The MIH Group has confirmed that it will extend its sponsorship of the Mandarin courses in the Departement of Modern Foreign Languages until the end of at least 2002.
This exceeds the original sponsorship by one year.
MIH has also promised a generous donation for acquiring electronic equipment, oudio-visual materials, language learning software, books, subscriptions of journals as well as a satellite dish and connections in support of the teaching of Mandarin.
The Department acknowledges the continued support with sincere gratitude.
BCE Grant
The Bureaude Coopération Linguistique et Educative [BCE],
a special teaching-oriented unit
at the French Embassy in South Africa, has donated 15 000F
to the French section of the Department of Modern Foreign
The grant forms part of their ongoing support of the teaching of French in South Africa.
10 000F of the grant is intended for acquiring music, books
and journals for the departmental collection and 5 000F for
the preparation of a course in occupational French.
Last year, the BCE provided bursaries for long term study
in France to three of our Honours-students.
Merci, BCE!
Prof. Gerd Neuner visits the Department
The Department welcomes Prof. Gerd Neuner of the University of Kassel who is visiting us for six weeks from 21 February 2000. The visit has been made possible by a grant from The German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD] and financial assistance by the University of Stellenbosch. The support of these institutions is highly valued by the Department.
Prof Neuner has been professor in German as a Foreign Language at Kassel University since 1973. As co-author of widely used German language learning compendia like Deutsch aktiv, Deutsch konkret and Sowieso, he is well known to teachers of German as a Foreign Language all over the world. He has held numerous international fellowships, i.a. in Turkey, the People's Republic of China, Thailand and Indonesia, mostly in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service, and he has maintained a close relationship with the Goethe-Institute regarding teacher training. In his Department at the University of Kassel, Prof Neuner has developed various post-graduate programmes in German as a Foreign Language, which are drawing students from 25 countries. Prof Neuner is currently serving on committees of the Council of Europe on Language Policy and on the Distribution of Foreign Languages in Europe.
Prof Neuner is conducting specialized workshops for the staff and advanced students in the Department on the following topics:
- Development of postgraduate programmes in foreign languages: What works and what doesn't and what foreign language departments in South Africa can learn in this regard from their peers elsewhere
- Learner autonomy and metacognition in foreign language instruction
- German after English: Possibilities and problems of teaching a foreign language in an environment where English is the major language [like in the European Union and in South Africa]
Prof Neuner will also address a public meeting on
23 March 2000 at 19h00 in room 551 of the Arts Building on
"Interim Worlds" [on the images and stereotypes
which exist with foreign language learners at the start of
the learning process and how they change in the course of
this process]
DFG Donasie
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EHLERS S. 1998. Lesetheorie und fremdsprachliche Lesepraxis: aus der Perspektive des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen
FEYRER C. 1998. Modalität im Kontext: Ein Beitrag zur übersetzungsorientierten Modalpartikelforschung anhand des Deutschen und des Französischen. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
FISCHER G. 1998. E-mail in Foreign Language Teaching: Toward the Creation of Virtual Classrooms. Stauffenberg Verlag, Tübingen
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GNUTZMANN C. & KÖNIGS F.G. 1995. Perspektiven des Grammatikunterrichts. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen
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ZAEFFERER D. 1998. Deskriptive Grammtik und allgemeiner Sprachvergleich. Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen
Media Coverage / Advertisements of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages
University of Stellenbosch, 5 October 1998: Official press release on the introduction of Mandarin
Cape Times, 7 October 1998: Stellenbosch offers course in Mandarin
Die Burger, 7 October 1998: Mandaryns en Chinees voortaan by US aangebied
Adapted - Reisemagazin für das südliche Südafrika, Nr.04 - 1. Ausgabe 2005
Wie klingt Stellenbosch? Ein SoundcheckStudentische Klänge in Südafrika: Flipflops, Braai und Bücher. Von Jörg Marquardt, Austauschstudent der Literatur und Philosophie an der Universität Stellenbosch. |
Klack-klack-klack. Das ist der Sound von Stellenbosch. Keine treibenden afrikanischen Rhythmen, sondern das gleichmäßige klack-klack auf Gehwegen und Uni-Fluren, auf dem Campus und im Supermarkt, in der Bibliothek und im Treppenhaus, drinnen wie draußen. Denn Flipflops, jene badeschuhähnlichen Gummisandalen mit dem unverwechselbaren klack-Klang, gehören gewissermaßen zur Grundausstattung südafrikanischer Studenten. Okay, der Flipflopträger an sich ist eine weltweit verbreitete Spezies, aber in Südafrika gilt er darüber hinaus als uneingeschränkt salonfähig. Kein Stirnrunzeln, kein Aufschrei der Empörung, wenn eine so beschuhte Studentin auf die Bühne schlurft, um dem Konzertpianisten einen Blumenstrauß zu überreichen. Schon drängt sich die Vermutung auf, das Studium an der Universität von Stellenbosch sei ebenso zwanglos wie das Outfit ihrer Studenten. Welch ein Irrtum! Das Arbeitspensum ist hoch, das Zeitmanagement rigide. Jede Woche muss man längere Arbeiten vorlegen, und Argusaugen wachen über das Einhalten von Deadlines. Die Universität versteht sich als knowledge partner und spornt dazu an, die akademische Ausbildung mit Siebenmeilenstiefeln zu durchqueren. Haben die Studiosi ihr Semester-Soll erfüllt, nehmen sie Reißaus. Bestimmungsort: Hotelkette Mama & Papa. Dann fällt die Uni-Stadt in einen tiefen Dornröschenschlaf. Stellenbosch war noch nicht wieder erwacht, als ich Ende Juni 2004 zum ersten Mal die neue Umgebung erkundete: verlassene Straßen, Totenstille, verriegelte Geschäfte, leere Cafes. Es fehlten nur noch die klassischen Grasballen, die ein staubiger Wind vor sich hertreibt, um das Westernszenario zu vervollständigen. Dann, zwei Wochen später, reibe ich mir die staunenden Augen, denn auf dem Campus und auf den Straßen wimmelt es von Studenten. Wo sind die so schnell hergekommen? In Kneipen und Clubs herrscht plötzlich Ausgelassenheit, in den Vorgärten beginnt die Braaisaison ('Braai' ist Afrikaans fürs Grillen), schöne Mädchen machen schönen Jungs schöne Augen, Bier und Wein füllen Glas um Glas, noch sind die Prüfungen fern, noch gibt es wichtigere Dinge. Man studiert ja nicht umsonst in einem weltbekannten Weinanbauzentrum. Fünf Stockwerke über dem Trubel und Lärm der Straße, im wuchtig aufragenden Arts Building liegt das German Department. Breite Fensterfronten geben den Blick frei auf das atemberaubende Bergpanorama und die ihm vorgelagerte Stadt. Weiß leuchten in der Sonne die Fassaden der kapholländischen Häuser, Eichen stehen im vollen Laub, es grünt an allen Ecken und Enden. |
In diesem Semester besuche ich ein Seminar
zur deutschen Exilliteratur. Von meinen Kommilitonen
ist keiner in Deutschland aufgewachsen, und
für die meisten ist Deutsch die zweite
oder dritte Fremdsprache. Deshalb erscheint
mir unser Seminar wie das entschiedene JA auf
die Leitfrage "Literatur und Sprache -
Transnational?", die einer kürzlich
in Stellenbosch abgehaltenen Tagung des Germanistenverbandes
im Südlichen Afrika vorangestellt war. Damit beheimatet Stellenbosch die größte
Germanistik des Landes. Die Qualität der
Lehre ist hervorragend und braucht den Vergleich
mit Deutschland in punkto Engagement, Sachkenntnis
und Aktualität nicht zu scheuen.
Ubuntu bedeutet so viel wie Menschlichkeit' und ist mittlerweile zum Synonym für eine afrikanische Philosophie des Aufeinander-AngewiesenSeins geworden. Um Menschlichkeit von seiner kulinarischen Seite kennen zu lernen, schreibe man den Küchenchefs von „Ubuntu Taste" einfach eine E-Mail: Und wer die beiden musikalisch unterstützen will, sollte zuvor an einem Montagabend in den „Belgian Beer Pub" (im Einkaufszentrum „Eikestad Mall") gehen und sich in die Kunst des Trommelns einweihen lassen. Mein Aufenthalt in Stellenbosch geht mit großen Schritten dem Ende zu. Bald kommt der Herbst nach Südafrika. Spürbar kälter wird es, und bald schon friert man in den Wohnungen, weil es keine Zentralheizung gibt. Der Herbst ist zwar längst nicht so ungemütlich wie in Deutschland, bringt aber gleichwohl Regen. Und je mehr es regnet, je kälter es wird, umso leiser wird auch das klack-klack der Flipflops, ehe es im Schuhschrank verstummt. Was stülpt man sich stattdessen über den Fuß? Gummistiefel, quietschgelbe, dezent blaue, rote mit Tupfern, weiße ohne Tupfer, grüngestreift und motivbedruckt. Ein neuer Trend? Ein neuer Sound? Wir werden es hören. |
University of Stellenbosch, 5 October 1998:
Growing trade and diplomatic relations between South Africa and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) have culminated in the introduction of a Mandarin language and Chinese culture course by Stellenbosch University and the launch of South Africa's first Mandarin Website.
This was announced at Stellenbosch today (5 October) by Mr Sun Jia-Zheng, minister of Culture of the PRC who is on a four day cultural tour of South Africa.
Prof Andreas van Wyk, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University, says Mandarin is the language spoken by the greatest number of people in the world today. An estimated 544 million people in China alone converse exclusively in the language. "Since South Africa's formalisation of diplomatic relations with the PRC last year, interest in Mandarin has grown dramatically among South African business people and government officials," says Prof Van Wyk In conjunction with M-Net and Naspers Stellenbosch University has appointed Ms He Xiaoping, presently professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at China Agricultural University, to establish an introductory course in Mandarin and Chinese culture.
Prof Kussler, Head of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages at Stellenbosch, says the purpose of establishing this course was to offer students and the public the opportunity of learning to communicate in Mandarin and to farniliarise themselves with modern Chinese culture so that they could interact more effectively with China in trade and scientific and scholarly exchange.
"Courses will be developed according to the needs of local students and business people," says Prof Kussler.
In his speech Mr Sun said that Mandarin was the only classical language in the world which had survived for 5000 years, evolving into one of the fastest growing languages of the modern era.
"With its entry into electronic media, Mandarin has the potential to become one of the most important means of communication in the global village," Mr Sun said.
"We foresee China becorning one of South Africa's top three trading partners in the next five years," says Koos Bekker, chairman of the MIH Group, which has interests ill M-Net, M-Web and Naspers.
"And we will only be able to forge stronger links at commercial, cultural and diplomatic levels if we are able to speak a common language,"
Mr Bekker added.
The Mandarin Website will feature the latest information on China's economy, culture, history, etc. It can be accessed at
Prof He holds an MA degree in English which she obtained at Wright University in the USA. Apart from being a professor in China Agricultural University's Department of Foreign Languages she also serves as Deputy Director of the University's Center for International Exchange. Prior to that she was Deputy Director responsible for graduate studies and co-ordinating the work of foreign experts. She has been with China Agricultural University since 1987. Moreover she has been attached to several publishing houses where she made her mark as a translator.
Cape Times, 7 October 1998:
Stellenbosch offers course in Mandarin
GROWING trade and diplomatic relations between SA and the People's Republic of China (PRC) have culminated in the introduction of a Mandarin language and Chinese culture course at the Unliversity of Stellenbosch.
The course was launched on Monday by Chinese Culture Minister Sun Jia-Zheng. Professor Andreas van Wyk, rector and vice-chancellor of the university, said Mandarin was the language spoken by the greatest number of people in the world today.
In China alone, an estimated 544 million people converse exclusively in this dialect. "Since the formalisation of South Africa's diplomatic ties with the PRC, interest in Mandarin has grown dramatically among local business people and government officials," Van Wyk said.
Professor He Xiaoping of the China Agricultural University of Beijing has been appointed to establish the course.
Die Burger, 7 October 1998:
Mandaryns en Chinees voortaan by US
Europese tale se status verander
Eie Kantoor
STELLENBOSCH. - Die groeiende handels- en diplomatieke betrekkinge tussen Suid-Afrika en China het gelei tot die bekendstelling van 'n Mandarynse taal- en Chinese kultuurkursus aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
Die kursus word deur die MIH groep, beheermaatskappy
van M-Net, M-Web, MultiChoice en DSTV,
vir minstens drie jaar teen R200 000 per
jaar geborg. Dit is op 'n spoggeleentheid
by die Oude Libertas bekend gestel deur
mnr. Sun Jia-Zheng, China se minister
van kultuur. Hy is op 'n vyfdaagse besoek
aan Suid-Afrika.
Mandaryns bied 'n waardevolle insig in
China se 5000 jaar oue beskawing aan diegene
wat dit bemeester, het Sun gese.
"Kulturele uitruiling is die beste kanaal vir die mensdom om vriendskap te bou en taal is die mees basiese instrument om wedersydse begrip te bevorder. Dit is nie maklik om die Chinese taal aan te leer nie, maar dit is die sleutel tot 'n ryke skatkis van die Chinese kultuur."
Me. He Xiaoping, professor in die departement buitelandse tale aan die China Landbou-universiteit, is aangestel om die inleidende kursus in Mandaryns en Chinese kultuur te vestig.
"Sedert die formalisering van Suid-Afrika
se diplomatieke bande met China verlede
jaar het die belangstelling in Mandaryns
skerp onder Suid-Afrikaanse sakelui en
regeringsamptenare toegeneem," het prof.
Andreas van Wyk, US rektor, gese.
"Mandaryns word deur die meeste mense
ter wereld gepraat. In China alleen praat
sowat 544 miljoen mense die taal."
Volgens prof. Rainer Kussler, hoof
van die departement moderne vreemde
tale aan die US, sal verdere kursusse
volgens plaaslike behoeftes ontwikkel
Dit het saamgeval met die bekendstelling
van M-Web se nuwe webtuiste, "China
Bridge". Volgens mnr. Bruce Cohen, hoofbestuurder
van M-Web interaktief, bevat dit die
jongste inligting oor China en bied
'n bruikbare bronbasis van noodsaaklike
handels- en sake-inligting vir Suid-Afrikaners.
Toegang kan gekry word by
Mnr. Koos Bekker, direkteur van die MIH groep en besturende direkteur van Naspers, het gese Engels en Mandaryns sal in die 2lste eeu die twee belangrikste tale wees om toegang tot die internasionale gemeenskap te kry. "Die status van verskeie groot Europese tale sal waarskynlik in streekgebruik verval."
Die MIH groep het reeds 'n geslaagde onderneming in Thailand gevestig. Die groep is besig met die vestiging in verskeie Asiatiese lande van gesamentlike ondernemings in tegnologie vir gebruik in betaaltelevisie en die Internet.