Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2008
Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2007
Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2006
Mandaryns 379 studente vertel van hul besoek aan China
German students write international exams
Chinese Bridge Language Proficiency Competition
German student wins Daad-bursary for University of Tübingen
Chinese Government offers scholarship
Mandarin students off to China
DELF/DALF exams written at Stellenbosch University
Goethe-exams held at Stellenbosch University
Successful candidates receive certificates and book prizes
Events 2008
Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2008
During a function attended by the German Consul Hansjörg Marquardt students who had achieved top position in their respective modules of German were each awarded a book prize donated by the German Consulate. The presentation took place on March 4th and honoured student achievement of 2008. The recipients were:
German 178 | Tanya Viljoen, Misha Post, Erika Lutz and Paul de Villiers |
German 188 | Retha Heyman and Emile Crous |
German 278 | Ciska Cockrell and Christiaan Maasdorp |
German 288 | Joanine Nel |
German 318 | Leana Labuschagne |
German 348 | Leana Labuschagne |
German 328 | Liza-Mari de Bruin |
German 358 | Liza-Mari de Bruin and Karina Strecker |
German 778 | Amy Daniels |
Tanya Viljoen and Misha Post from German 178 with their lecturer Isabel dos Santos. Both were amongst the University's top thirty first year students and all three were acknowledged at the Rector’s First-year Academy Prestige Evening held later that day.
Ciska Cockrell, top achiever for German 278, with her lecturer Dr Rolf Annas.
Emile Crous and Retha Heyman from German 188 flanking their lecturer Gerda Wittmann.
Amy Daniels, Honours student 2008, with her lecturers Prof Carlotta von Maltzan and Dr Ingrid Laurien.
Events 2007
Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2007
Aan die einde van elke akademiese jaar kry studente wat die beste uitslae in Duits in hul eerste, tweede en derde jaar asook in Honneurskursusse behaal het, boekpryse wat deur die Duitse Regering gegee word. Die oorhandigingsgeleentheid vir 2007 het op 22 Februarie plaasgevind en die attaché vanuit die konsulaat van die Federale Republiek van Duitsland in Kaapstad, mnr. Thomas Schoppa, het die boekpryse aan die studente oorhandig. .
Die pryswenners vir 2007 was:
Amanda de Beer
Sandra Wallenhorst
Gerda Odendaal
Petronella Streicher
Leana Labuschagne, Nicole Loser
Lize Britz
Ciska Cockrell, Rudolf Essel, Helen v d Horst
Events 2006
Duits: Oorhandiging van boekpryse vir 2006
Aan die einde van elke akademiese jaar kry studente wat die beste uitslae in Duits in hul eerste, tweede en derde jaar asook in Honneurskursusse behaal het, boekpryse wat deur die Duitse Regering gegee word. Die oorhandigingsgeleentheid vir 2006 het onlangs plassgevind en die attaché vanuit die konsulaat van die Federale Republiek van Duitsland in Kaapstad, mnr. Thomas Schoppa, het die boekpryse aan die studente oorhandig.
Events 2005
Mandaryns 379 studente vertel van hul besoek aan China
Mandaryns 379 studente het in Julie 2005 die geleentheid gehad om China te besoek en 'n kursus in Mandaryns by die Capital Normal Universiteit by te woon of om aan te sluit by die ander deelnemers in die Chinese Bridge Competition. Lees wat Mikaela Keen en Astrid Sindle oor hul wedervaringe in Beijing te sê het.
Events 2004
Aan die einde van elke akademiese jaar ontvang studente wat die beste punte in die eerste-, tweede-, derdejaar en Honneurs-kursus behaal het musiek- en boekpryse. Die prysuitdeling vind plaas gedurende die Fransafdeling se jaareindfunksie waartydens studente ook die uitbeelding van sketse en die sing van liedjies organiseer [Sien foto 1 in galery]
André Crous, 'n Honneursstudent in Frans in 2004, het 'n beurs van die Franse Regering ontvang om sy nagraadse studies in Frankryk voort te sit. Die bi-dissiplinêre program wat hy aan die Universiteit van Lyon II volg, dek beide Letterkunde en Vertoonkuns. André spesialiseer in filmstudie. Die Franse bioskoop was ook die navorsingsonderwerp vir sy Honneursprojek waarvoor hy 'n punt van 80% behaal het. André doen baie goed vir homself in Lyon en sy dosente prys sy goeie bemeestering van die Franse taal, sy vermoë om krities na te dink en die oorspronklike insette wat hy lewer.
Sarah Sherry, 'n Honneursstudent in Frans in 2004, is deur die Franse Ambassade se Kantoor van Opvoedkunde gekies om 'n jaar lank Engels by 'n Franse Hoërskool in Béthune, naby Lille te onderrig as deel van 'n kulturele en opvoedkundige uitruilprogram. Al haar onkostes is deur die Franse Regering betaal. Nadat sy 'n ruk lank met die Franse administratiewe stelsels gesukkel het, sukkel Sarah nou eerder om aan die smaak van paddaboudjies (cuisses de grenouilles) gewoond te raak! [Sien foto 2 in galery]
Events 2003
German students write international exams
During October and November, 10 German 178-students and 18 pupils from schools in and around Stellenbosch passed the Zertifikat Deutsch examinations while 3 students passed the Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung of the Goethe-Institut. The certificates were handed over to students at a small ceremony in the department on Tuesday 18 November.
At the same occasion, the 9 students received book prizes for their excellent achievements in German. The books were donated by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cape Town. The following students received awards: Aleysia Viktor, Jessica Fullard, Rudolf Langner (German 178), Benita Blume, Danelle van Zyl (German 188), Andries Olivier (German 278), Jacobus Holtzhausen (German 288), Coenrad Fourie (German 379) and Kristien Oosthuizen (German 389).
Chinese Bridge Language Proficiency Competition
The Chinese government will hold a Mandarin language competition from December the 13th to 23rd 2003 in China for international students who study the Mandaring language. Students from 30 countries around the world will participate. Two South African students have been chosen to participate : Elizabeth Berkhout and Ebenezer Fourie from our Mandarin-278 course were selected after the preliminary competition in South Africa. They will be leaving for China on the 6th of December. The semi-final competition will be held in Shanghai and the final in Beijng.
German student wins DAAD-bursary for University of Tübingen
Having won a DAAD-bursary, Janine Jellars
(German 288) will be attending a four week course
at the University in Tübingen, Germany. Viel
Spaß, Janine!
Chinese Government offers scholarship
The government of the People's Republic of China is offering (5) fully funded scholarships to South African candidates to study in China, for the academic year 2003/2004.
Eligibility: Applications should be non-chinese and postgraduate students wishing to enrol for a maximum of 2 years.
Field of study: The scholarship is open to all postgraduate fields offered at the Chinese institutions admitting international students
Value: Full scholarship covers everything including air tickets, accommodation and living expenses.
Annette Botha, a first-year Mandarin student at Stellenbosch University, has applied for the above scholarship and was selected by the South African Department of Education to study accounting in Beijing, China for 3 years. She will have to study the Chinese language for the first 6 months. Annette will leave for China in February 2004.
Mandarin students off to China
Three Mandarin students will be on their way to China shortly. Elizabeth Berkhout and Ebenezer Fourie were both invited to participate in the semi-finals and finals of the International Competition for Mandarin as a Foreign Language in Shanghai and Beijng from 13 - 22 December. Elizabeth and Ebenezer, both second-year students, obtained first and second place respectively in the South African regional competition held in Stellenbosch on 20 June.
First-year Mandarin student Annette Botha has been awarded a scholarship by the South African Education Department to study at one of the universities in Beijing for three and a half years. Annette will start her studies there in March 2004.
Events 2002
DELF/DALF exams written at Stellenbosch University
The University of Stellenbosch is an examination centre for the yearly DELF/DALF exams, which are coordinated by the Alliance Française du Cap. Stellenbosch University students, students from the Alliance Française de Stellenbosch, scholars from La Rochelle in Paarl and Stellenbosch Hoër as well as private students took part in the different DELF/DALF units. The examination sessions took place at the department from 25 - 27 September. There was a considerable increase from last year: 68 students in 2001 compared to 183 in 2002, an increase of 270%! Some 424 written exams, individual orals and collective orals were taken by the students (and corrected/evaluated by a team of correctors in Stellenbosch).
Goethe-exams held at Stellenbosch University
The Department of Modern Foreign Languages is also an examination centre for the Goethe-exams held at South African universities. During October and November, 9 first-year students and 15 grade 12 pupils from Stellenbosch high schools passed the Zertifikat Deutsch of the Goethe Institut/Inter Nationes. Two second-year students passed the Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung and 3 third-years passed the Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf.
Events 2000
Students win travel bursaries
Two second year students, Jessica Murray (French) and Anneen De Jay (German), have won travel bursaries for a month's stay overseas during the December / January holidays.
Jessica will take part in a séjour linguistique on the Indian Ocean island of La Réunion. Anneen will take part in a deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs in Tübingen, sponsored and organised by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Congratulations to both of them!
Doing well in Foreign Languages does have its benefits!
French Evening on 5 October 2000
The French-students gathered in the Cellar Theatre of the HB Thom on the evening of 5 October on the invitation of Les Troisièmes Années who performed a play, Le Boa du Journal 5 Oct, which was followed by a prizegiving ceremony.
The highlight of the evening was tenor Willem van der Merwe's rendition of Jeunes Filletes and Plaisir d' Amour. The latter in particular had the audience roaring with acclamation, and the encores resounded for minutes. The Department is grateful to have talents like Willem among its French (and German) students. And Willem cannot only sing, he won a book prize as well!
The evening was concluded with a prizegiving ceremony. Books were donated to acknowledge special achievements in French by the French Embassy in South Africa for the first time. The Department is grateful for this donation; it provides an additional incentive for studying French.
The following students each received a book prize:
- French 178 Group 1:
- Willem van der Merwe, Nicola Cumming
- French 178 Group 2:
- Sarah Anderson, Annemarie Mattheyse
- French 178 Group 3:
- Annemarie de Kock, Pia Nänny
- French 188:
- Adèle Wallace, Marietjie Fouché
- French 278:
- Jessica Murray (ex 178 - going to Réunion in December on a bursary offered by the French Embassy in South Africa), Marelis Spies (ex 178), Beate Jäkel (ex 178), Nicola van Zyl Smith (with Matric French)
- French 344:
- Sarah Steenkamp, Nina Dodds
Successful candidates in German receive certificates and book prizes
At a function on 21 November 2000, a record number of 34 candidates who successfully completed examinations of the Goethe-Institute in October, received their certificates from the Dean of Arts, Prof Izak van der Merwe.
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The Department congratulates the successful candidates - and the lecturers who made it all possible, especially Dr Rolf Annas who is the driving force behind this great effort. Since 1993, a total of 178 candidates have successfully completed these examinations at the German Department / Department of Modern Foreign Languages. Dr Annas [left] and Prof Van der Merwe. |
Two of the lecturers, Mrs Renate Du Toit [left] and Dr Rolf Annas [right], with two of the top students, Aneen De Jay [left] and Michelle Schoeman. |
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Mrs Gudrun Lück (secretary) and Mrs Isabel Dos Santos, part-time lecturer in German, following the proceedings. |
On the right are Esther van Heerden, Lizelle van Jaarsveld, Michelle Schoeman and Adéle Müller with their lecturer, Dr Rolf Annas. |
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The best students in the undergraduate courses in German in 2000 were honoured with book prizes sponsored by the German Consulate-General in Cape Town. They are:
- German 178: Lise Conradie, Tim Müller, Adelé Stassen, Carolyn Weir
- German 188: Liska Kassier
- German 278: Chris van Rhyn
- German 344: Beate Jäkel and Adele Müller
Congratulations! We are proud of you all.