To begin to appreciate the possibilities these applets offer, you should interact with it yourself! Here is the "manual":
If there is a slider, Click on the left-right arrows for small changes in the variable or parameter. Click on the middle area for larger changes, or click and hold for continuous change. Click and drag the slider for continuous change. If mouse action is activated, A left-click zooms in around the point Shift plus a left-click zooms out around the point Left-click and drag a rectangle to enlarge the rectangle A right-click-and-drag "pans" (i.e. drags) the window. If the applet displays buttons, |
These graphing applets can be configured to suit a wide variety of situations and needs. Click on the hyperlinks below to see some more examples of the different styles and different configurations for the Java graphs.
Note that:Intro | SimpleGraph | FamiliesOfGraphs | MultiGraph | Animation | Parametric | Tangent | Derivatives | ScatterPlot | Calculator |