
The Scatter Plot applet draws a scatter plot based on the data in the table - just enter your data and click "Update Display" for the plot to be drawn or updated. The regression line for the data and some statistics (the slope and y-intercept of the regression line and the correlation coefficient for the data) are also shown.

Several sample files of data are available in the drop-down menu at the top of the applet. When you click the "Load Data File" button, the data file is loaded to replace the current data.

By default, ScatterPlot plots X vs Y directly from the table. However, you can enter valid expressions in the Plot-versus boxes to manipulate the data in the table, e.g. you can plot 1/X vs Y or X^2 vs Y or X vs Ln(Y), or ... For example, if you load the AlmostQuadratic data and then plot X^2 vs Y (Click "Update Display"), you get a very good regression line, from which the quadratic formula for the original data can be deduced ...

Click the button below to launch an applet in a separate window. In this version the Regression line is not drawn and statistics not shown.

Intro SimpleGraph FamiliesOfGraphs MultiGraph Animation Parametric Tangent Derivatives ScatterPlot Calculator