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Seventeenth Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics

 [credit: D Page, National University of Mexico] [credit: LISA/PPARC] [credit: Michael Norman & collaborators, Univ. Illinois]  
17 January to 27 January 2006
Alpine Heath Resort, Drakensberg,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

The School is financially supported by the NRF and SKA South Africa

Last updated: 17 March 2006

Time and Venue

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The school will take place from Tuesday, 17 January to Friday, 
27 January 2006
at Alpine Heath Resort, Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. 

Please see Alpine Heath Resort’s own web page for full details of facilities.

Timetable [.pdf] [.jpg]


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The Dark Side of the Universe

Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies:
Linear perturbations, primary anisotropies, cosmological parameters, secondary anisotropies, polarization, first stars, non-Gaussianity, topology.
Large-Scale Structure:
Large-scale structure theory, redshift surveys, new probes of structure, cosmological parameters.
The Early Universe:
Inflation, brane-worlds, dark matter relics, dark energy models.
Compact Objects:
General structure of neutron stars (NS's), nuclear physics of NS crusts, liquid interior of NS's: equation of state and superfluidity, NS models and masses, vortices and glitches in NS's, states of matter at extreme densities: quark and meson matter, cooling of NS's. NS Demographics, NS Atmospheres, X-Ray Observations of NS's and Pulsar Wind Nebulae.
Gravitational radiation:
Theory of generation, propagation and detection.

Course Lecturers and Topics

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 Gordon Baym
 Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
General structure of neutron stars (NS), including nuclear physics of the crust; equation of state of liquid interior; superfluidity, vortices and glitches; states of matter at extreme densities: quark matter and quark droplets; pion and kaon condensation; NS cooling
 Lecture 1 [.pdf] - 3.724MB  Lecture 2 [.pdf] - 3.372MB     Lecture 3 [.pdf] - 5.850MB
 Lecture 4 [.pdf] - 1.816MB  Lecture 5, P1 [.pdf] - 1.676MB     Lecture 5, P2 [.pdf] - 3.256MB
 Lecture 6 [.pdf] - 1.381MB  Lecture 7 [.pdf] - 1.569MB  
 Nigel Bishop
 University of South Africa
Gravitational radiation, including theory of generation, propagation and detection
 All Lectures [.pdf] - 3.230MB
 Phil Charles
SAAO / University of Southampton
Measuring Compact Object Masses in X-ray Binaries
 Opening Talk [.pdf] - 14.814MB  Lecture 1 [.pdf] - 2.631MB  Lecture 2 [.pdf] - 3.620MB
 Daniel Eisenstein
 University of Arizona
Large-scale structure of the universe, including redshift surveys, new probes and cosmological parameters
 All Lectures [.pdf] - 13.762MB  [.ppt] - 21.676MB
 Andrew King
University of Leicester
Accretion-driven objects, including energy yields; thin accretion discs; thick accretion disks; accretion processes; jets; disk instabilities; X-ray sources; black-hole spin-up; Lense-Thirring effect; AGN’s as mergers
 All Lectures [.pdf] - 1.662MB  [.ppt] - 2.345MB
 Valery Rubakov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The early universe, including inflation; brane-worlds; dark matter relics; dark energy models
 Lecture 1 [.pdf] - 3.034MB  Lecture 2 [.pdf] - 3.955MB     Lecture 3 [.pdf] - 3.472MB
 Lecture 4 [.pdf] - 2.385MB  Lecture 5 [.pdf] - 2.134MB     Lecture 6 [.pdf] - 2.559MB
 Lecture 7 [.pdf] - 2.549MB    
 Patrick Slane
 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Pulsars, including supernovae and their remnants; neutron star (NS) demographics; NS Cooling and atmospheres; X-Ray observations of NS; pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe)
 Lecture 1 [.pdf] - 1.431MB    [.ppt] - 3.613MB  Lecture 2 [.pdf] - 0.731MB    [.ppt] - 3.078MB
 Lecture 3 [.pdf] - 1.016MB    [.ppt] - 2.021MB  Lecture 4 [.pdf] - 1.263MB    [.ppt] - 6.155MB
 Lecture 5 [.pdf] - 4.004MB    [.ppt] - 6.026MB  
 David Spergel
 Princeton University
Cosmic microwave background radiation, including linear perturbations; primary anisotropies; cosmological parameters; secondary anisotropies; polarization; first stars; non-Gaussianity; topology
 Lecture 1& 2 [.pdf] - 4.825MB  Lecture 3 [.pdf] - 1.729MB
 Lecture 4 [.pdf] - 2.304MB  Lecture 5 [.pdf] - 5.557MB
 Lecture 6 [.pdf] - 1.278MB  

Timetable [.pdf] [.jpg]


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About 40 one-hour lectures will be presented in English. 

Timetable [.pdf] [.jpg]


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The course is a graduate school aimed primarily at theoretical physicists and postgraduate students interested in broadening their knowledge of the field.  Persons with other backgrounds are welcome to register, but we do expect all participants to have a suitable background in the natural sciences.


Students Subsidy

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Subsidy for South African students
A limited number of student subsidies are available for South African students in financial need.  All students are required to pay the full registration fee. In addition, a subsidy of 50% on Accommodation and School Costs at the 5/chalet rate will be awarded to students based on academic merit and financial need. The total number of subsidies will depend on available funds. No support is available for travel costs.  Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Those students wishing to be considered for financial support must:
  • Complete and submit the online registration form by 01 November 2005
  • Ask their supervisor to send an e-mail letter before 01 November 2005 to with the following information:
     -  Subject heading: Application for Subsidy – Name of student
     -  Attest to the student’s academic standing and motivate the student’s
        participation in the School.
     -  State what additional funds have been sourced and why the entire cost
        of  the School cannot be covered by the supervisor and/or institution.
  • Applicants will be informed by 15 November 2005 if they have been successful in their application for the reduced rate.
Scholarships for African Delegates
A very limited number of scholarships are available for African students and academics from outside South Africa. The funds are being sourced from the Ford Foundation and the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), and will cover travelling, registration and accommodation costs based on the 5/chalet rate.  The scholarships will be based on academic merit and financial need. The total number of scholarships will depend on available funds.
Those delegates wishing to be considered for financial support must:
  • Complete and submit the online registration form by 01 November 2005
  • Send an e-mail letter before 01 November 2005 to with the following information:
     -  Subject heading: African Delegate Scholarship - Name of delegate
     -  Give details of your present appointment.
     -  Motivate your participation in the School.
     -  Indicate the extent to which you have received financial support to attend
        previous Chris Engelbrecht Summer Schools.
     -  State what additional funds have been sourced and why the entire cost
        cannot be covered by your institution.
  • Applicants will be informed by 15 November 2005 if they have been successful in their application for the scholarship.


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 08 Nov 2005  Last day to apply for subsidy
 15 Nov 2005  Notice of successful accommodation subsidy
 02 Dec 2005  - Full registration fee to be paid.
 - 50% of accommodation fee to be paid.
 17 Jan 2006  Outstanding 50% of accommodation fee to be paid.
NOTE: After the deadline of 2 December 2005 participants will have to make all accommodation arrangements directly with the management of Alpine Heath Resort, in which case the special school rate cannot be guaranteed any more.



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Transport between Johannesburg International airport and the school venue is being organized for all lecturers and for international participants according to the travel information they provide. Participants who would like to make use of this transport are expected
to arrive in Johannesburg during the morning of Tue 17 Jan 2006.

All other participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements to arrive at the school venue at Alpine Heath during the afternoon of Tuesday 17 January 2006.


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Registration costs

 Early Bird Regular  R550 (+/- R6.50/US$)
 Early Bird Students  R300 (+/- R6.50/US$)
 Regular participants  R700 (+/- R6.50/US$)
 Students  R450 (+/- R6.50/US$)
Early Bird Registration before 2 December 2005
No accommodation guaranteed after 2 December 2005


Accommodation & School Costs

Costs are quoted in South African Rands (approximately R6.50/US$) per person for the duration of the entire School.

 3 / Chalet rate (before 02 December 2005)   R6140
 5 / Chalet rate (before 02 December 2005)  R4840
  • Opening ceremony, drinks and snacks
  • Attendance at all academic sessions
  • Morning and afternoon teas
  • Dinner, bed, breakfast and lunch

    NOTE: The first meal served will be dinner on Tuesday 17 January 2006. The last meal served will be lunch on Friday 27 January 2006. Lunch will not be served on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 January 2006.

Deposit for accommodation

Apart from registration payments (above) the following deposits per participant are required to secure accommodation at Alpine Heath Resort:

Five persons per chalet
(+/- R6.50/US$)

Three persons per chalet)
(+/- R6.50/US$)

The closing date for registration and payment of an accommodation deposit is Friday 2 December 2005.  The balance of accommodation costs is payable by Thursday 17 January 2006.


Payment details

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Participants resident in South Africa can pay by bank transfer or personal cheque.   Foreign participants can pay by bank draft or bank transfer (in US dollars).  All cheques and bank drafts should be made payable to 'Theoretical Physics Summer School'.  For bank transfers refer to the following information:

Bank ABSA Bank Stellenbosch
Street Address Plein Street, Stellenbosch
Postal Address P.O.  Box 138, 7602, Stellenbosch
Bank Code 63-04-10-45
Account Number 4046528525
Reference Number SUM - _ _ _
(Your reference number as provided by e-mail)

If payment is made by bank transfer, a copy of the transfer instruction should be faxed to the secretariat at (+27-21-8083385).

Please ensure that you add your REFERENCE NUMBER on the Bank Deposit Slip / other documentation, which is submitted to the secretariat as proof of payment.



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 Fabio Frescura
 University of the Witwatersrand
 Chris Engelbrecht (jr) 
 University of Johannesburg
 Catherine Cress  University of Kwazulu-Natal
 Okkie de Jager  Northwest University
 Robert de Mello Koch  University of the Witwatersrand
 Peter Dunsby  University of Cape Town
 Hendrik Geyer  University of Stellenbosch
 Dieter Heiss  University of Stellenbosch
 Pieter Meintjes  University of the Free State
 Kavilan Moodley  University of Kwazulu-Natal
 Raoul Viollier  University of Cape Town
 Patricia Whitelock  South African Astronomical Observatory


Contact info

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Secretariat Address:
Theoretical Physics Summer School 2006,
c/o Me. Christine Ruperti
Department of Physics
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X1
7602 Matieland
South Africa

+27 21 808 3391


+27 21 808 3385


Technical: Tinus Botha
 News Internet access at location
Although not always that fast, internet
access will be available at the location.
We will be sharing an ISDN line with the
hotel and the speed depends on the total
bandwidth demand.
I will setup a small network of five WinXP
PC's right next to the lecture room for e-mail
and internet purposes.  Network cables and
AC power points will be availbale for laptops.
Wireless network access will also be available
around the lecture room and computer area.
A proxy adjustment to your internet browser
may be necessary when using a laptop.  I will
help you with that.

A datavideoprojector and laptop will be
available for lecture purposes. The laptop
has WinXP with Office 2003 SP2 installed
and both Powerpoint and PDF lectures will
work fine.


Photo Gallery

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Main Gallery

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